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Exchange of best practices on Teaching Creative writing
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the near future Scuola Holden wants to develop a serie of actvities with the aim to become an European level organization, developing a didactical methodology able to involve teachrs and students coming from accross Europe: to arrive at this point the organization needs to create a wide series of partnership at different levels. The aim of this Mobility plan is to create meeting opportunity for the Scuola Holden staff with other European organization active in the same educational field, through Pedagogical Conference, job shadowing experience, exchange of teachers and meeting of European organzations. These are the activities planned for 2014\2015: - International Pedagogic Conference on Creative Writing, 21 \ 26 October, Orivesi, Finland. The conference is open mainly to teachers of creative writing and staff coming form CW schools. We will send 4 staff members (one tutor, one teacher, one responsible of the didcatical programme, the responsible of the European Projects Department); - Jobshadowing, February \ March 2015: one responsible from the didactical programme will follow for two months all the activities connected to communication and on-line courses of the Escuela de Escritores in Madrid; -Teacher Exchange: Scuola Holden will send a CW teacher for a 4 days workshop at the Escuela de Escritores in Madrid; Symposium, Madrid June 2015, 2 staff member will be sent to represent Scuola Holden at the XII Symposium of Creative Writing Programme organized by the EACWP (European Association fo Creative Writing Programme). The main results we are expecting are: -- to update all our didcatical methodologies in teaching creative writing - an update for the staff, the teacher and in general for the organization; - to develop a wide partnership among different European organization, with the aim to create an exchange of best practices, teachers and staff.
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