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Exchange Experiences - Cross Your Boarders Vol. 2
Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Project "Exchange Expperiences - Cross your Boarders Vol II" will offer 15 young people from Izmir in the age between 16 and 22 the opportunity to make a mobility experience in Bremen, Germany. The target group of the project will include disadvantaged adolescents who do external vocational trainings at educational institutions in Izmir and Bremen. The young people who will participate in this project are from different formations at different educational institutions; therefore the project can be characterized as an interdisciplinary and inter-institutional project. The project will contain a term of 12 months, in which it will be prepared and organized together with the Turkish partner organisation.The contact to the Turkish partner organisation has been built in December 2013 during a visit of a delegation from Bremen in Izmir, but through the city partnership of Bremen and Izmir there already is existent a number of common point of contacts between both cities, as well as a stabile network and a high motivation of both partner organisations to organize this project together. More details of the project were arranged during a visit of a Turkish delegation in Bremen in April 2014. A most promising international youth exchange took oplace in Izmir 2015. The Project includes the following aims: the advancement of the professional and technical competences, the personal, social and intercultural competences, as well as the advancement of the mobility competence and the professional orientation of the participating young people. The adolescents will take part in, respectively will organize the following activities during a term of 15 days in August 2016 in Bremen:- Practical work in an social project, in which the young people can practice and put forth there individual knowledge and skills of their vocational training in Bremen (for example during a construction of a “garden of senses” in a retirement home, the renovation of a children’s playground or the aid at an bigger sports event, etc.) - two days in a vocational training institute in Bremen to get to know the basic conditions and operation methods in cooperation with the minister of Labour and ther chamber of commerce.- A final event, that will be organized by the young people themselves and which will offer the possibility to show the acquired skills (example for such a final event could be the opening of the “garden of senses, the childrens playground or the sports event, e.g.)- Activities to get to know each other and language animation, information relating to Turkey and therefore to the region of Izmir as well as excursions to the surrounding area.The focus of the project is the shared practical learning on the basis of a local social project. Details correlated to the possible practical project will be discussed and arranged during the preparing meetings in May 2016 together with the Turkish partner organization. In general this project will be orientated on the knowledge and skills of the participating young people (the different participating professional areas will be respected in the planning and organisation). It is essential for the project that 3 persons will attend the young people and take part in the project to show responsibility for the intensive assistance of the group, the translation, the reflection of shared learn experiences together with the young people as well as the responsibility to moderate between conflicts. As an conclusion it could be said that the 3 assistants are essential to have responsible persons on the project who illustrate an assessment factor for the young people they can ask for several assistance when necessary.The effects of the project are variegated and vary from the new acquired experiences of the young people that they completed a stay abroad (inclusive the competences they acquired during the project) to the effect on the participating partner organisations and the local und regional surrounding (the beginning of an long-term partnership, internationalization of the vocational training, the organisation of a next project for young people from Izmir in Bremen etc.).
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