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Excellence in mathematics and the natural sciences

Background:Both partner Local Authorities have identified a need to improve the quality of education in mathematics, the natural sciences and technology – and to increase the take-up of these subjects in upper secondary and higher education. The project aims to achieve stimulating teaching and learning in science, maths, environmental education and technology through developing a joint framework for supporting: - Student involvement in learning – taking into account their preferred modes of learning. Students as co-constructors of learning- Development of key competences – in particular in mathematics/numeracy, science and technology, ICT and especially in developing Learning to Learn (in line with the EU Key Competences Framework) - Cross-curricular collaboration; shared learning activities between students and teachers within the pilot schools in the European partner countries – in particular through imaginative uses of ICT for shared investigation and communication; - Joint projects between education and business – and with relevant community groups outside formal education- Joint methodological development involving Local Authority advisors and consultants, Higher Education establishments, teachers and support staff, business personnel and community actors- Identifying and sharing a wide range of materials and resources for teaching and learning.•Units of cross-curricular work in Maths, Science, Environmental Education and Technology for primary and secondary phases have been developed in schools, with support from LA advisors. These include: ‘Outdoor Maths’ ‘Joint Environmental Study’ ‘The Chair-building project’ Maths innovations •A Web-based learning facility is likely to be developed by NTA (Natural Science and Technology for all) • University co-operation in initial teacher training has started-

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1 Partners Participants