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Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

EX[S]PORTS is a cooperation activities programme dedicated to building bridges between arts and sports sectors with aims to deliver innovation in audiences development, capacity building and economic strengthening.EX[S]PORTS is led by l’Entorse in Lille (FR), in partnership with East Street Arts (Leeds, UK) and Vooruit (Ghent , BE).Arts & sports activities belong to well-separated social fields, with their own businesses, events, values and models. Those separations create specific identities and codes, which often lead to people ignoring or excluding each other. These social and economic systems have mostly grown apart. However, when contemporary artists start to seriously mingle with sports imaginaries, outstanding works are produced. And today, one European among three is practicing sport at least once a week. Sports clubs involve 70 millions of people, which is 15% of the European population.Building bridges between arts and sports bring therefore a challenging perspective for audience development and social inclusion. And in a context of economic crisis and massive cultural budgets cuts, considering the sport sectors as a new market opportunity, can feature innovating solutions.To achieve these aims, EX[S]PORTS partners have jointly-defined 10 key activities :MAKING : activities 1 & 2 - Residencies and coproductions. Thematics: Art and Bicycle, Watersport, Football & identitiesMANAGING : activities 3, 4, 5 - Artistic, finance and production coordinationLINKING : activity 6 – Sports and culture mediation, community buildingSHARING & LEARNING : activity 7 – Internal communication and joint developmentPROMOTING : activity 8 – External communication and publicationSHOWING & INSPIRING : activity 9 – Presentations and eventsSECURING & SUSTAINING : activity 10 – Research, evaluation and legacyBeyond this first cooperation framework, EX[S]PORTS aim to inspire the cultural and sports sectors, with a significant legacy and future partnership widening.
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