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EVS - nowe horyzonty
Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Aug 1, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main goal of the project was concentrated on developing key competences and abilities of young people, decreasing different barriers, fighting against unemployment and social exclusion. High unemployment rate among young people (between 18 -34 years old) and even higher demands of labour markets cause the need to organize language classes (that will allow them to improve their language competences, break mental barriers connected with using foreign language) and the need to develop general competences like entrepreneurial learning, creativity an independence. Activities with seniors were the next step in the project where volunteer was promoting pro-health life style, conducting activities that increase physical and intellectual activity. Participation with seniors in the offered activities supported social integration, intergenerational dialogue , and intercultural dialogue. The project involved a total of 70 young people and 17 seniors. Project activities were focused on acquiring new skills and competencies related to work with children, youth and seniors by volunteer. Volunteer also participated in an intensive professional Polish language course of 10 hours a week. This significantly improved communication with young people and seniors, increased her psychological comfort in a foreign country and her chances on the labor market. The project involved one volunteer, whose tasks were focused on the preparation and implementation of activities for the general development of children, youth and seniors. The project aimed on the one hand to provide a volunteer opportunity to learn in an informal manner, mainly through the experience of working with children, youth and seniors, on the other hand it focused on the empowerment of groups at risk of social exclusion, as well as development of intergenerational and intercultural dialogue. In the Youth Centers there is a every day preventive program and a variety of activities to support the development of children and youth. These include: sport and recreation , psycho , re-education , art and language activities. In Seniors Centers: sports ( yoga, swimming , nordic walking, aqua aerobics ), computer, language, theater, intellectual and manual activities. Volunteer participated actively in the activities implemented in Youth Center „Nasza Dziupla” in Swarzedz , Youth Center „Świetlica Integracyjno Terapeutyczna” in Gruszczyn and Youth Center „Świetlica Wiejska in Uzarzewo”. In addition, once a week volunteer conducted with a full-time employee, language classes for seniors ( English and German). The project aimed to deepen the positive image of other cultures among young people, promoting mutual tolerance and understanding which is particularly important in the context of the crisis of migration in the world. Thanks to the project the level of key competences and skills of young people in the local community increased and social barriers have been broken. Volunteer activities contributed to actively combat social exclusion and unemployment, which is one of the key priorities of the Erasmus +. Volunteer gained new skills and competencies related to working with children, youth and seniors and developed language skills. The presence of volunteer has enriched the regular activities of the organization and benefited the local community. Long-term benefits of the project may include: language skills, both volunteers, who participated in the Polish language course of 10 hours a week and increase of the linguistic competence of children, youth and seniors. The result is noticeable by better communications skills in English and German, both children, youth and seniors, but also all adults working with a volunteer. Language competence of children and young people will transfer in the future for much greater capabilities and better position on the labor market. Volunteer and other project participants can compare their experiences and explore the differences and similarities in their lifestyle. Actions were aimed at raising awareness among young people about cultures and languages and the discovery of a common passion, which helped to combat stereotypes and prejudices. Volunteer was working in Youth Centers and Senior Centers about 25 hours a week. Tree times a week for 3-4 hours Volunteer participated in the Polish language course. The main tasks of the volunteer were focused on systematic participation in the work with a group of children, youth and seniors, were she first watched then co- led, and finally prepared and self- led classes.

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