Start date: Feb 1, 2016,
End date: Mar 31, 2017
The project ''EVS in YOUMORE'' has the aim of involving two volunteers in the activities of local projects of the Foundation Istituto Morcelliano. This EVS project will last 10 months starting from 1st of March till 1st of January 2017.Fondazione Istituto Morcelliano offers a wide range of projects, which includes people from different age groups - from toddlers to young adults. The distribution of daily and weekly working hours of different activities in CAG, Piano Giovani and in Eurodesk gives the possibility to the volunteer to get involved fully into the project and choose freely where and how to participate.Fondazione Istituto Morcelliano has created different initiatives which could be divided into three main categories: -CAG (Aggregation Centre for Youth)- PIANO GIOVANI - EURODESKAll these three realities reenter into a big container which we have called YOUMORE:YOU-stand for you or Youth,MORE- is the abbrevation of Morcelliano and E standes for EUROPE, it becomes like MORE EUROPE -MORE YOU(TH).That is why this EVS project is called 'EVS in YOUMORE' where the volunteers will work in the following activities:a. Aggregation Centre for Youth CAG as a place of educational and social relationship development, concrete and practical reply to the educational needs and growth of children, creative opportunity of free time management (after school activities), offers an aggregation service, social participation, creative cultural workshops and training addressed to: 1. Youngsters (6-11 years old)2. Preteens and first preteens (12-15 years old)The service takes place from every afternoon from 15:30 to 18:30 except Sundays and National Holidays. August is the month of holidays in Italy . CAG plays a key role in educational work with youngster. It has one of the aims to prevent marginalization and deviant behavior, to support young adults, promote and help positive development of integration into their areas. The venue is 1 minute far from the House of the Volunteers.b. Piano GiovaniThe initiatives that Fondazione Istituto Morcelliano propose to youngsters aged sixteen and above tend to open up more to the area, given the greater possibility of movement of young people. The special moment is the evening, especially on Wednesdays. Often the evening starts or ends with a drink or dinner, and sometimes organized meetings and going-outs. In our organisation we try to include EVS volunteers in all organisation’s activities, that seem interesting to them or that they want to learn, and we actively encourage them in creating and performing their own projects. Volunteers actively participate in creating cultural, art, youth, informative, social and civic activities, and through their work promote EVS among young people in our environment. Through their activities and living they gain the feeling of belonging to organisation as well as belonging to community and local environment, they grow personally, spread and develop their fields of interest, and also continually learn during the process.C. EurodeskAnd finally YOUMORE is the place where European and National projects are organised. Here in the organisation our main aim is to bring young people aged 18-30 closer to opportunities that European Commission gives them. It is already two years that the the staff of Youmore Morcelli Giovani started to organise and coordinate the Erasmus plus project. From January 2015 the Foundation became Eurodesk Local Agancy in Chiari. Our organisation is the one to inform, orientate and promote the EU projects in the District of 11 Municipalities. The EVS volunteer will surely become a part of it, participating to the activities we organise on national level. The volunteer will definitely become the testimony of active citizenship for our young people in high-school meetings and during different festivals.The total working hours per week is 34.5 /35 hours. The volunteers involved in this project will participate in Pre-departure, On-arrival and Mid-term Evaluation courses organized by the Italian National Agency (Agenzia Nazionale per i Giovani).We hope to share all our open-mindess and positiviness with our volunteers, giving them the chance to take life-long-lasting experience with the singular acitivty they do in our ogranisation. This experience will leave a huge intercultural impact on our local youth as the volunteers will directly work with them sharing besic staffs and competences.