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EVS im Jugendgäste- und Bildungshaus Rothleimmühle
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Dec 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We´re planning a european volunteer service over twelve months at the "Jugendgäste- und Bildungshaus Rothleimmühle" with a young woman from Slowakei. Her name is Lenka Nagyova. The receiving project is located in Nordhausen. The "Rothleime" is in sponsorship of the JugendSozialwerk Nordhausen e.V. and the JugendSozialwerk e.V. is a member of the Paritätischen Wohlfahrtsverband. The “Rothleimmühle” is a meeting-point for kids, youths and families. But also school classes from all over Germany go there to use our offer for their class trips or project trips. During the holidays we host groups of kids and youths do own thematic holiday freetime activities. Therefore we are specialized to combine modern kids- and youth cultures creative with topics of health prevention. For professional and personal support and adaptation it has a competent team by her side. The team consists of 4 social pedagogics, including 2 qualified experience outdoor pedagogics. Moreover is the office of the KO also on the terrain, as well as the "Europa Haus". Both under one roof. All staff have specific qualifications in intercultural work and diversity-pedagogue. First of all we have a lot of practical experiences in this field. If exchanges with our staff, youth exchanges all of this the Rothleimmühle has been partcipated. Currently we work for a trilateral project together with two partners from France and Poland. The organisation "Weimarer Dreieck e. V." and we plan a music-project for one week with kids from the mentioned countries. The aim of it is to learn from each other and also together when they making music. Her tutor Nadja Gropp can help Lenka with every personal situation. She works as coordinator for the volunteers service and is also a systemic coach. Also Carmen Witzel support Lenka at her work. Mrs. Witzel is the chief of the institution and the professional instructor. Lenka can also cooperate with some other institutions of the JugendSozialwerk. For that situation Nadja Gropp can support her with connections and ideas. It is our claim to support our european volunteers to work with european topic and to get in contact with Europe. For this, our volunteers can plan public events, be a part of them and get in contact with different kind of people. At the same time the european volunteers from the JugendSozialwerk e.V. had to write articles for the magazine "Blitzlicht" and "Litfaßsäule". All in all we reach a sustainability with intensive contacts, evaluations and a lot of further education as well as the described events.
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