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EVS-Assistant to Eid Frivilligsentral
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The foundation Frivilligsentralen i Eid is applying for imlementing and finances for the project "Assistant to Eid Frivilligsentral", an European voluntary service project with 3 participants from Germany, Hungary and Spain. European partners in the prosject are Jugendwerk der AWO Wuerttemberg e.V., Germany, Consejo de la Juventud de Castilla y León, Spain, AFS Magyarország Nemzetközi Csereprogram Alapítvány, Hungary. The project lasts for 9 months from 01.01.2015 - 01.10.2015. Our organisation has been hosting volunteers since 2005. We have developed good rutines for recieveing and training volunteers, and have a very flexible system. The volunteers can mainly coose from a variety og activities to participate in, based on their field of interests and knowledge. We challenge them also to callenge themselves by choosing activities that are more unknown to them. The project is a local cooperation between Eid Frivilligsentral, Eidupper secondary school and Operahuset Nordfjord. The volunteers can also choose to work for voluneer organisations in our community. The municipality og Eid is a rich culture community, and has also the last few years made a great effort to become an international municipality. EVS is therefore spot on for a community like ours. Through our project we want to show our participants the identity of voluntary work, and how it can be used to develop a small local community. The participants can gain knowledge about the colaboration between professionals and volunteers, and how they mutually can benefit from eachothers efforts. The participants can also gain knowledge about how something that starts out as a voluntary initiative can develop into buissness. But equally important is to learn to resepct to his og hers own culture, and other peoples culture, to gain respect for the joy of beeing out in the nature, and to gain respect for people of all ages. Our participants will learn Norwegian together with people from all over the world. This will give them knowledge about culture and way og living from other continents as well. We want our participants to give our community new thoughts about beeing a young volunteer. Through their efforts we want to make Erasmus + known for the local buisnesses, local educational institutions, the municipality administration and peole in general of all ages. Through visulasing the volunteers qualities, we hope our local partners wants to continue to host new volunteers. We also whish that local yout wants to take the step out in Europe, and try out Erasmus + activities and exchanges themselves.
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3 Partners Participants