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Evropský rozměr vzdělávání a pracovních zkušeností
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

European Dimension of Education and Work Experience This project was conceived in the beginning of 2014 with the main goal of providing students and recent graduates of our school the unique opportunity of work experience abroad. It offered them knowledge and skills which it would be otherwise very difficult to obtain in the Czech Republic. The next goal was to activate their existing passive knowledge of English language and help them acquire specialized English business terminology during real work experience. The overall goal was to increase participants' qualification and motivation for further studies and work. We also wished to help the participants to see the importance of living in Europe together with other nations, of European citizenship and of the importance of own uniqueness as well as the importance of respect for other cultures. There were supposed to be 12 students of the 3rd forms of our school participating in the project and the opportunity for joining the project was also offered to our recent graduates. In reality 13 students took part in the project, but no recent graduate. Even though we had informed the recent graduates about the project nobody replied with the exception of one girl who in the end decided not to take part. Nevertheless we were able to increase the number of participants by one thanks to saving money in "Transport Costs" category as we used bus instead of plane and we also used some money from "Organisational Costs" category. That is how we saved money and used them to pay the work experience for one more student. The project was divided into two cycles with work experience in summer 2015 and summer 2016. During the work experience the participants were employed in London companies where they were participating at work and did their tasks and thus improved their knowledge and skills. These tasks were written in Learning agreements which contained the goals of the work experience. A part of the project was a wide scale preparation of the participants before the work experience itself which took place both in the Czech Republic and in London. The preparation included language and culture courses (the vocational courses didn't take place as the "vocational" aspect was included in the language course) and it aimed to help the participants of the work experience in the beginning and during their stay abroad. The project was implemented by our school, i.e. Masarykova obchodni akademie, Jicin, and by ADC college in London. It was divided into two cycles with each consisting of several logic steps performed by one or both of the participating organizations. The cooperation of these was outlined in a contract where the roles and responsibilities of both partners were specified. Achieved results of the project are mainly increased vocational language knowledge and skills of the participants as well as their increased self-confidence and motivation for further studies and work. We also hope that this experience will help them in the future when looking for a job thanks to the Europass Mobility certificate. Another result was a substantial enrichment of the educational program offered by our school by including this work experience abroad. We believe this project motivated also those students who didn't take place in it thanks to meetings with participants which were held after their return from London. This, we hope, was also visible in our region thanks to articles in local newspapers, on our website and during meetings with future applicants for studying at our school.

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