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Evropská technika
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

It was our first time participating in the Erasmus+ programme. The project “European Technics” was intended to provide innovative ways of gaining practical skills for selected students of our school, who participated in three cycles of internships abroad. One cycle took place in Germany and two in Finland, the first one taking place in November 2015, and the second and third one at the turn of April and May 2016. All three internship cycles were recognized as part of the students’ curricula and as a partial fulfilment of their compulsory work experience. The project was implemented in the period between 1 June 2015 and 31 May 2016. The “European Engineering” project was aimed to fulfil the school’s development strategy regarding the improvement of the conditions for gaining vocational skills. While we were only able to support 26 students, thanks to the selection process dozens of students could take part in the project, who at least became more motivated to improve their study results. Through the internships we could give the students the opportunity to learn skills which we are unable to teach in the Czech environment. In order to take part in the internships in the “European Engineering” project the students had to succeed in the selection process. We were unable to grant this opportunity to everyone but we were able to support the talented students who proved their interest during the selection process. Invitations to participate were therefore extended to students of the second, third and fourth year of study. A crucial requirement was, of course, that the student speak English, or German in case of an internship in Magdeburg. The students invited to participate were those studying engineering study programmes with specializations in electrical engineering, automation, and IT. The main reason for implementing the project was to arrange an opportunity for the students to gain new vocational skills. Apart from that we also bore in mind the improvement of the students’ language skills, the improvement of their intercultural awareness (thanks to getting to know a different culture, working with foreign supervisors, and working in an entirely different environment) and especially their acquisition of experience with working in semi-operation mode. In order to ensure the smooth running of the project, we put together a project team based on past experience with the Leonardo da Vinci project. The people who actively participated were the director of the school, a coordinator, a financial manager, and supervisors along with other teachers, although they had more of a partial, short-term role. The whole project was secured with a contract, both with the partner organization and the participating students, for whom the contracts served as insurance of the fulfilment of the terms. By clearly structuring the organisation of the project and securing our activities with a contract we eliminated all risks that could have possibly arisen throughout the project. The internships were certified by the Europass Mobility Certificate in English. Therefore the students can use it not only here in the Czech Republic, but also anywhere in Europe where they might wish to work. Because upon the completion of their studies most of our students usually stay in the Ústí nad Labem region and because the project has improved the employability of the students, the mobility project will have an impact on the economy of the region. Among other results there is the aforementioned improvement in the motivation for study of the students who participated in the selection process and an improvement in their study results, as well as the newly established connections between our school and our international partners from Germany and Finland. It is also worth mentioning that our students were essentially representatives of the Czech education system abroad. Thanks to their exemplary conduct and diligent work we were together able to form a relationship of our partner organizations with the Czech Republic. The fact that we will work together on similar projects in the future is also proof of positive results. Together with other institutions successful at implementing mobility projects from the Call for Proposals 2015 we have also contributed to the fulfilment of the Erasmus+ programme goals.

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