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Европейски практики и иновации в моята професия
Start date: Oct 3, 2016, End date: Dec 2, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Tsanko Tserkovski" Vocational School of Agricultural Technologies is a state school financially subordinate to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food with 95 years of history. The specific activity of the organization is training of specialists in the field of agriculture and tourism. The specialties we train our students in are consistent with the specific character of the economy and agricultural production in the area. 208 students receive full time education and 24 - individual training. The participation of the school in this project corresponds not only with the needs of the participants but also with the ongoing capacity building of the school to provide better educational services. It is consistent with the adopted in 2014 International strategy of the school which is updated annually and Development Strategy of "Tsanko Tserkovski" Vocational School of Agricultural Technologies which was planned carefully in accordance with the National Strategy for Lifelong Learning 2014-2020, and the updated Employment Strategy 2008-2015. By the time of the implementation of mobility, future users have gained initial theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the professions they study. Specific needs which are provoked by the development of this project are related to the need to raise the level of their practical training, which does not conform to the requirements of their future employers. Due to financial and other objective reasons, it is difficult and sometimes it is impossible for educational practices to take place in real working conditions. The practical training of students of specialty "Rural tourism" is implemented at school and a small part of it in family hotels located in the town; the practice of the students majoring in "Mechanization of agriculture" is implemented mainly in the educational workshops of the school. The outdated equipment, which the school has, does not give the opportunity for quality education, which leads to lack of motivation among young people to learn and work with it. Students do not know and cannot work with modern computerized agricultural machinery. Having finished school our students do not meet the requirements of business and are uncompetitive, both on our and the European labor market. Employers refuse to take them on practice, and afterwards to employ them. In order to succeed, young people have the necessity to see, learn and apply in the future the achievements and experiences of developed European economies.The project focuses on a target group of 30 users from "Tsanko Tserkovski" Vocational School of Agricultural Technologies who are at the beginning of their professional training aged 16-18. 15 students out of 30 are trained in "Mechanization of agriculture" and 15 in "Rural Tourism".The main objective of the project:Improvement in the skills and competencies of users through utilization of leading European experience and innovation in the field of agriculture and rural tourism.Objectives:• introducing to innovative technologies in the field of agriculture and tourism;• improvement in the skills in work with modern machinery and equipment and systems for safe handling;• improvement in the suitability and competitiveness of users on the labor market;• Acquisition of new social contacts for future collaboration.To ensure high performance of activities, the mobility was set and contracted between us and the host organization. According to the applied programs, the practical training will be carried out in real working conditions in companies working in the field of agriculture and tourism. It was agreed with the partner that the participants in the mobility would attend practical classes in vocational schools providing educational services in these sectors and participate in workshops and discussions related to the their profession.As a result of the implementation of the project activities we expect the participants in the mobility to improve their competence in the field of agriculture and rural tourism in line with European standards. In the long term, young people will get a better chance of finding a job, will increase their responsibility and self-confidence as a result of the new experience. The level of cooperation between the school and the partner will raise with a view to implementing a future mobility.At the local level, we expect to increase the prestige of the vocational school, to keep on admitting new students in the field of agriculture and tourism, to enjoy companies’ confidence in the region in our students’ preparation. In connection with the sustainability of the results and seeking a multiplier effect, the school committed itself to transmitting experience with a view to future activities for continuing vocational training.
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