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Европейски опит в диагностика и обслужване на транспортна техника
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project "European experience in diagnostics and maintenance of transport equipment" is focused at improving the professional knowledge and competencies of students undergoing initial vocational education and training on the field of transport. The project will be implemented by Professional High School for Lifting, Construction and Transport Equipment "G.S. Rakovski "- Pleven in partnership with Panevezio profesinio rengimo centras, Panevezys, Lithuania, for a period of 12 months.Project objectives are aimed at improving and enhancing professional skills and competencies; obtaining innovative knowledge in the area of maintenance and diagnostics of transport equipment; improving the foreign language competence and communication skills in a new working environment for the successful integration of young professionals into the national and European labour market. During the project will be carried out three -week educational mobility, (from 26/03/2017 to 16/04/2017) including vocational training at leading companies in Panevezys, Lithuania.The target group consists of 16 participants aged 16-18 years in initial vocational training and two teachers as accompanying person from PGPSTT "G. S. Rakovski ", Pleven. The successful implementation of the project will be realized through the implementation of project activities, including preparation and selection procedure of the participants, establishing agreements with partners and participants, pedagogic, linguistic and intercultural preparation of the participants, implementation of mobility – including vocational training at leading companies in Lithuanian, providing mentors in the companies for the effective achievement of the training program, participants will be supported for their adaptation to the new social and professional environment. Activities follow-mobility will include evaluation of project activities (through observation and tests) formal recognition of learning outcomes (certificate Europass by the host institution, certificates from employers and initiating institution), dissemination of project results (through promotional materials, presentations, articles local printing and school WEB-site). Successful implementation of the project activities will lead to expected outcomes -the participants to expand and enhance their knowledge, skills and professional competence in the field of maintenance, repair and maintenance of vehicles to meet new diagnostics and examination of leading Lithuanian companies in the transport sector to raise the level of their language skills and become more competitive in the labor market and enrich their knowledge of traditions, customs and culture of the Lithuanian nation.
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