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Evitar el abandono escolar usando TIC e Idiomas
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

GENERAL CONTEXTIn recent years it has increased the number of students in teaching adults for several reasons:Economic crisis, rising unemployment, precarious labor market, need for continuous training, etc.Our center is the focal point of adults education in the region of Los Alcores.OBJECTIVESThe general objectives are:Reduce absenteeism and dropout in teaching adults education.Finding new valid methodologies based on ICT.Improving academic results in Spanish and foreing languages.The specific objectives are:Meet staff from other European schools to share experiences and get development partners to further project KA2 allowing the general objectives outlined above and promote the European position in our School.NUMBER AND PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTSBoth of them are teachers and Head of Studies in Adult education.ACTIVITIES1. First Training Course KA1: With the selection of this first training course objective is twofold, on the one hand is to improve several aspects of our training from the needs expressed in the objectives. And secondly, compare and confront the project that we have developed from our school with the approaches and interests offered by other european participants in the course. Searching similar schools in order to develope a future KA2 project in common. The results will be shared with the members of our school community.07/25/2016> 05/08/2016. Dublin, Ireland.TALKING TO PEOPLE: Methodology for Teaching Cooperative2. Second Training Course KA1: Review of approaches and have a second option for finding partners for the future KA2 project.08/17/2017> 23/08/2017. Oslo, Norway."How an effective classroom management can lead to students' academic performances Increase, decrease to early school leaving and to a positive communication environment.PROSPECTS AND IMPACTSImpact on teachers:Getting new skills in communication, programming, planning activities in the assessment process, problem solving and conflict management.Improve competition in foreign languages.Improve use of new technologies for teaching purposes.Sharing with others educational systems and teaching practices.Impact on the school.Increased motivation of teachers and students.Reduce absenteeism and dropout in teaching adults educationConnect several educational, administrative and stimulate the implementation of new methods management and troubleshooting at all levels.Impact on the local and regional community:Emphasize the participation of local authorities and its projection to Europe.Connect our administrations with other models of social and economic development.Spread the identity and cultural values.National, European and / or international impact:Transnational networks of cooperation in education.LONG TERM BENEFITSEnhance our school at European level in the field of adult education.

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