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Evaluating Catering and Hospitality Skills for students and Young workers through ECVET
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Catering Mobility project was founded 14 years ago with the purpose of giving students the possibility to gather experience abroad after they have finished their studies. More precisely, these experiences have always been internships in the food and nutrition sector. Students from the 'kitchen and service' and the bakery and butcher programs are able to apply for these internships. The 'Chase-Network' started 22 years ago with England, France and Sweden. The Network has since expanded to include 16 partners, 13 different countries and our school has been an active member for 13 years. Every exchange runs for a period of 5 months. Students are guided and assisted by one of the partnerschools. Every country selects, sends and receives students (except Iceland, they only receive). During the first month of their stay, students get acquainted with their hosts and the country. A very thorugh language course is combined with cultural excursions, company visits and practical lessons in the hosting school.At all times during their stay, students are assisted and guided by one of the local coordinators or teachers. After the first month follows a 4 month internship in one of the companies, hotels or restaurants selected by the hosting school. During this period the students remain in close contact with their hosts and their own school. For many of them this is their first long stay abroad and the contact with a known partner works both motivating and reassuring. The very important personal contact between the schools is equally important as it allows for quick and easy communication (in case any problems arise). Beside the long term project we will start a short term project. The students themselves are the requesting party . Some of them would like to do their practical work-placement abroad during their last school-year. For this project we work together with our partner of Sweden and we have contact with 2 new partners (Germany and Denmark) The ERASMUS+ programm gives our students the opportunity to experience a working environment abroad, as well on a material, emotional, intellectual as ability level. Most of our students do not possess the financial means for these kind of programs.It is the perfect way to introduce them to an independent life as adult and a unique experience 'European Passport' will complement their diploma when they start looking for work.
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14 Partners Participants