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Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In 2016 EuroVoD will evolve with activities structured around two main axes: 1. As a new group of companies with capitalistic links, sharing the same concept and vision, the co-beneficiaries will implement (with non co-beneficiary partners Filmin ES and Flimmit AT (separate applications)) the consolidation of EuroVoD by mutualising and optimising resources, and consolidating and building IP value across operations, in order to create critical mass and achieve economies of scale. This strategy will focus on: a) Technology convergence: adopting the same technology and supplier base; b) Common Brand, positioning and promotion of a pan-European brand, progressively introduced by existing national brands; c) Acquisitions: multi-territory licensing, including a minimum guarantee fund, to secure European titles with high commercial potential; d) Catalogue: Increasing EuroVoD´s consolidated catalogue by 3000 titles; e) Marketing & Editorial: implement common strategies and optimise editorial; f) Distribution: increasing penetration and reach of EuroVoD´s branded channel across third party services; g) New Markets & Platforms: support ´fast-track´, low-cost platform set-up (such as the launch of the new Italian VoD platform, expansion of UniversCiné Belgium into the Netherlands and Luxembourg, and Germany); h) Partners & Investors: Attract capital for growth and expansion.2. EuroVoD, underpinned by Universcine / LMC who provide the technology, access to private capital, and head offices, will coordinate and ensure implementation of the consolidation objectives across local markets; distribute EU funding among co-beneficiaries to continue developing and strenghtening their operations and services; increase local visibility and reach, market share (from 0,25% to 1%), target audience size and profile; and meet viewing, sales and turnover targets .
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4 Partners Participants