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Eurotour: dealing with borders among people
Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

The youth exchange hosting in Vadul Lui Vode town by “Centrul de Sustinere si Dezvoltare "Lotusul de Aur" Moldovan youth organization, aims to promote young people’s active citizenship through development of understanding of European ground values and ways of translation of those values on the local level in different countries by young activists. The project was born after European Commission opened Eastern Partnership Window, so there are 4 organizations from Eastern Europe participate in the project (Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus and Azerbaijan) and 2 organizations from the EU (Poland and Czech Republic), to foster mutual understanding among young people from different parts of Europe and to find ways for cooperation in different themes relevant to youth needs of participating countries. The main focus of the youth exchange will be done on challenges to social equality of people in participating countries, in particular on gender and national discrimination, age discrimination and discrimination on the basis of health problems. During the 7-days youth exchange 30 young people from 6 countries will discover European ground values and try to combine those values with the realities of countries where they live, will discuss certain situation with visible and invisible discrimination in their countries, explore how mentioned above types of discrimination can be overcomed and how youth programs can contribute this process, using non-formal education methods (simulation games, best practices exchange,forum theatre, exercises, debates, small group work, creative self-expression). The last phase of the exchange will be conducted to producing of non-formal and informal youth initiatives which can be realized to practice competences developed during the exchange. Those initiatives won’t necessary ask for the support from different foundations, but will be designed to be able to come true even without financial support, basing of enthusiasm and peer support of young people.

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  •   15 168,00
  • Youth\Youth in action (2007-2013)\Youth in the World\Cooperation with neighbouring partner countries
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

5 Partners Participants