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Ευρώπη-Αποτελεσματική Διοίκηση του Σχολείου
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is titled "Europe and Effective Management Of School" and t refers to an experimental quality management system with European profile , that we expect to apply to our school for two years, The objectives are to face with the weaknesses of the Greek administrative system in education, and also to improve our management skills and give our institution a European orientation at all levels. The Participants will be two. The headmistress and the sub headmistress of the school , who are quite trained on administrative issues but they are not experienced enough . They are interested in acquiring management skills with European quality. The project will start with the necessary preparations on both cognitive and organizational level and it will continue during the seminar ,where participants will attend a language course on effective management. The projects and the plans will be presented during the seminar by the participants and it will be lectures, workshops, case studies and field studies related to the teaching processes. Then in cooperation with the school teachers, the responsible supervisor of education we will try to implement a European-style management system adapted to the Greek reality as a project plan. This will last two years and will be evaluated as it is running and at the end of the term. The evaluation will be done through questionnaires, interviews and discussions of all the members involved. The expected impact of the project and its benefits are expected to be so many for the participants in the seminar. All the engaged members of the school will acquire a lot of skills. If the project will be effective we will solve many school management problems and the school will have a European face The project will be presented at a conference transmission of good practices for teachers and it will become a part of a training program. So it will spread throughout the educational community and the local community.

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