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Europejskie staże zawodowe
Start date: Dec 30, 2014, End date: Dec 29, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "European Professional Apprenticeship" was realized together with Eurofrm RFS, with whom as a partner we have been cooperating since 2011. The main aim of the project was a two-week training of 24 students of our school of gastronomy, horse care and landscape architecture profiles, in companies dealing with above mentioned issues in the Calabrian region (Italy) in the period of 28.09.2015 – 09.10.2015. The participants of the project were students at an early stage of vocational education, at the technical grade. Most of them mainly come from Nowy Sącz and surrounding small villages, with big unemployment rate. Because of that there is a demand for self-employment – creating companies which offer attractive services. Before the apprenticeship students were provided with the language cultural and pedagogical preparations and logistics support (journey, accommodation, local transport, tutoring were organised). The training was held in carefully selected companies according to vocational profile. The apprenticeship was monitored by the representatives of ZSP and Euroform. Objectives accomplished: - two-week apprenticeship abroad of 24 students of gastronomy, horse care and landscape architecture, - participation in European mobility of students of early stage of vocational training, achieving documents which confirm gaining foreign professional experience, - developing practical and theoretical skills of our students in a given job, - developing language competences including professional English skills, - getting to know hosts’ culture and thanks to it supporting social cohesion and inter-cultural dialogue, showing mental and cultural differences, - supporting personal development and adaptation abilities of the youth coming from undeveloped regions of the south-eastern Poland. The results of the project: - passing a two-week training in Italy, - receiving Europass Mobility , certificates and confirmations, - developing practical and theoretical skills of our students, - developing language competences, - developing professional activity of our graduates, who have innovative professional abilities, are able to move on the European work market easily, know foreign languages, are creative, obey the rules of democracy and tolerance, are full of respect towards other nations and cultures. During the training our students except for gaining new professional skills, observed ways of managing the companies and services in a partner country. As a result students are more open on new experience, aware of the need of lifelong learning. In the future it can result in the increase of mobility on European labour market. Experience gained during work placement is valuable in the educational process in a Polish school. Chosen profiles are closely connected with the development of the region where tourism is dominating. Landscape architecture, professional gastronomy and active recreation are very essential. It is compatible with the vocational training curriculum and considers the needs of local work market.
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