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Europejskie staże szansą na rozwój zawodowy uczniów Zespołu Szkół CKR w Gołotczyźnie.
Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The developmentof mobility invocational educationis a fundamental part of aSchool Development Planand the EuropeanDevelopment Planof Agricultural School inGołotczyzna. Our schoolenrichesits experiencethrough projects implementation, increasesthe number ofmotilities andstrengthens school partnership withlabour market institutions. In the following mobility projectwe will useall the availableECVETsystem elements, what in consequence will help our school meetEuropean standardsforvocational training, will improvetransparency inthe acquisition andrecognition of professional qualifications, and will facilitate students' existence ontheEuropean labour market.Studentswill leave for2companies in Germany:DEULANienburgand Hildesheim and one in Italy.These centershave beenwell- known for many yearsas those which provide highqualitytraining. Our school cooperates with these institutions on the basis of Partnership Agreements which have been already prepared and agreed upon. The main objectivesof the projectare:- supportingthe mobilitywith the application of ECVET tools - gaining newskills(innovative and beyondschoolcurriculaand increasing students' competitivenesson the labour market)-gainingskills of revitalization, arrangementand designof neglected or difficult to maintain greenareas -learning about breeding methods and maintaininganimal welfare- learning about varioussolutions applied in the areaofusing renewable energy: solar power, wind power,geothermal energy , hydro powerandbiomass,-preparing students (future graduates)to setting uptheir ownbusinesses,- developing skills of professional foreign language use-learning about other culturesand consequently breaking stereotypes- developingthe ability to workin a teamStudents of grades I-IV of technical schools and I-III of vocational schools will take part in the project. They are students of profiles related to agricultureand rural development; allprofiles in theoffer of our agricultural schoolinGołotczyzna. 4 groups of 18 studentswith2teachersfor each groupwill participatein internships in3 partnership institutions .Totally72traineesand 8experiencedteachers -caretakers.As a part ofthe projectwe assume the realization of 2weeks' internships forthreegroups each with 18students in DEULA in Nienburg and DEULA Hildesheim and 3 weeks' internship for a group of 18 students in Italy. The aim of the internship will be the enrichment of the offer of agricultural schools, going beyondprogram practical training effects. The choice of the internship contents will depend on the preferences of the candidate, but the qualification will depend on the results of therecruitment, carried out in accordance with the rules of recruitment. The first group going to DEULA Nienburg will receive training in generation and use of renewable energy sources; the second one in animal breeding and maintaining animal welfare. The internship of the third group in DEULA Hildesheim will focus on landscape architecture and green areas maintenance. The fourth group leaving for Italy will broaden its competences in the field offood processing. Knowledge, skills and competences acquired during the internships were initially defined and agreed by the sending and the hosting institutions in the Agreement. Trainees' achievements described in the form of learning outcomes will facilitate their certification, validation and recognition during the internship and after its completion. It will be possible to adapt the contents to the profileandprofessional interestsof the participants.The first group ofinternshipparticipants willleavein the spring of 2017, the secondin the summer of 2017, thethirdin autumn2017 and the fourth in spring 2018. Each groupwill workaccording toa programmedeveloped by theinstructorsin consultationwith employersand aforeign partner.Expected resultsare: the development ofprofessional skills,language abilities ,interculturalskills and socialskills of participants.Among expected resultsare also : training 72students and winningEuropassMobilitycertificates confirming internshiprealization andachievedeffectsof training; a conference with disseminating theresults; theInternet websiteand projects of "green roof" as a part of school educational trail, films and presentations. The achievement of all of the aboveobjectivesincluded in the projectgives the studentsa better chance forbreaking out of therisk oflong-termunemployment and social exclusion, finding work in the future orsetting uptheir ownbusinesses,not only in Poland, butalso on the European labour market.Among long-term benefits we find:providing participants withattractiveadditionalknowledgeand professional and social skills. Students fromareas beingat risk of unemploymentwill bemotivated tolook for workorstart their own business. In addition,the participation of young people in this project just before they start theirown working liveswill motivate them to mobility, creativity and self-confidence.
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3 Partners Participants