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Europejskie praktyki szansą rozwoju osobistego
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project „European internship as a chance for personal development” is a response to the youth's need to undertake professional activity and training in a given workplace. Participation in the project will allow the students, coming mainly form poorer rural backgrounds, often with unemployment and social exclusion problems, to take advantage of mobile development programmes. Due to the professional experience gained in hotel, ICT, construction and mechatronics companies the students will acquire better position on local and European labour market. The project is designed for the students of ZST in Kolbuszowa learning in the profession of hotel, ICT, construction and mechatronics industry. In the project lasting two years 54 students will take part. Three groups of 18 students, aged 14-18, will be chosen in the recruitment process according to transparency rules. The students will undergo 4-week internship in Spain and Germany. Our partners are TRIBEKA TRAINING LAB S.L. and BERLINK ETN GmbH which deal with promotion, organisation and international internships management as well as educational programmes for students, teachers, young employees and organisations throughout Europe. The main goal of the project is to increase the ability to gain empoyment by improving the quality of training, key competence, professional and language skills as well as to even the opportunities and develop entrepreneurship skills. Important aspect of the project is also to prepare the students to develop their qualities as European citizens along with democracy rights. Throughout international internships we would like to point out how important it is to acquire education, gain new cerificates and to learn languages in order to prevent social exclusion. Therefore we will have the chance to educate confident, open, communicative and respectful European citizens. They will develop their personal and social competence and our school will gain the image of modern insitution fulfilling EU objectives. By implementing project tasks school will improve the quality and adequacy of educational offer, within the next years it will increase interest in our school's training profiles as well as teachers' and students' motivation and activity. This will encourage students at risk of early school leaving to continue education and will strengthen the international cooperation.Before departure the participants will undergo language, pedagogical and cultural training.The cultural and linguistic programme will be continued in Spain and Germany (language course, cultural trips and meetings). During the training the participants will become acquainted with the procedures on different workstations and with the techniques and oganisation in various departments of Spanish hotels and ICT as well as German construction and mechatronics companies. The students of hotel industry will get to know the range of services and European standards in Spanish hotels whereas the ICT students- the work organisation in the ICT companies, the standards and topology of modern information systems. In Germany students will get to know modern mechatronics and construction technologies, the functioning of companies, coordiantion of construction and installation tasks; the processes of designing and manufacturing of the products which use mechatronics, electronics and ICT technologies. To achieve the goals we will prepare the project evaluation according to the ECVET system and the results together with the project materials will be disseminated on the institutional, local and regional level. By improving their professional qualifications the students will finish the appropriate courses with the Europass Mobility documents and language certificates. It will allow them to present their skills and qualifications in more transparent way as well as to move freely on European labour market. .The project will promote the school within the local community and will also promote the students on the local labour market. The internships, prepared according to modern standards, will provide a new dimension in the quality of professional training, its development and adjustment to the needs of regional and European market. The participants will get acquainted with many ascpects of professional life in different cultural conditions, they will also acquire the necessary skills and qualifications to develop their tolerance and openness for the cultural differences and therefore will eliminate the stereotypes and prejudice. It will also allow them to develop their interdisciplinary skills in the field of entrepreneurship, self assessment, adaptation skills as well as the ability to work in international team. Particiaption in the project will prevent social exclusion and unemployment on the regional level.

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