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Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Apr 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The mobility project ”European internships – the jump into professional future” was targeted at the students of the second and the third forms of the technical secondary school with hotel (hospitality), tourism and catering profile. The project was planned to provide 32 students (two groups of 16 students) with professional trainings abroad. The places of the professional trainings were hotels, restaurants, travel agencies in Malaga (Spain) with attractive trades and rich tourist infrastructure, which ensured high quality traineeship. The beneficiary institution was Centrum Kształcenia Zawodowego i Ustawicznego in Oława which is the only school in the county educating students in the professions mentioned above. The school cooperates with hotels, restaurants, travel agencies in Oława and Wrocław in order to provide students with relevant places of traineeship. Centrum Kształcenia Zawodowego i Ustawicznego in Oława is also experienced in organizing international traineeship (Malaga 2013). In Malaga the fruitful cooperation was initiated and maintained with the cooperating institution – Ekip Europa that has broad experience in organizing various European Union - funded projects especially connected with internships and vocational education. Our partner provided us with the places of traineeship in accordance with trade requirements, fully carrying out of the planned program of the traineeship, realizing the project aims, good organization of the stay (transfer, accommodation and the program). The aim of the project was to support the students of the second and third forms of the listed above technical secondary schools in gaining practical vocational experience abroad, improving their language abilities, acquiring new skills, strengthening the sense of European identity as well as European cooperation in the vocational education. The program of traineeship was prepared on the base of the core curriculum, the school timetable of the duration of traineeship and the schedule of traineeship for particular profiles. The project was carried out from 1.12.2014 to 30.04.2016 and covered the following activities: 1. Organizational activities undertaken with the cooperating institution to ensure high quality of traineeship and realizing the project (XII 2014 –IV 2015); 2. Two recruitment processes as a result of which 32 students + 2 substitute students were selected during the competition in accordance with the rules. 3. The cultural-language preparation of groups in the amount: 20 hrs of Spanish, 15 hrs of English, 10 hrs of the cultural preparation and 10 hrs of the psychological preparation in the period: II - IV 2015 and IX 2015 and 15 hrs of Spanish in Malaga. 4. Stay and undergoing of the vocational internships in Malaga in the period: 27.04. – 25.05.2015 and 25.09- 23.10.2015. 5. Summarizing and completing the internships and project: obtaining certificates Europass Mobility, dissemination of the project results - VI 2015 – IV 2016, preparing reports. 6. Providing the continuous monitoring of carrying out of the project. 7. Providing care and support for students from the recruitment stage, particularly during preparation before the training to the stage of staying in Malaga and undergoing the internship. Carrying out the project brought benefits to: - project participants: students got new vocational qualifications and experience in different posts connected with the service of hotel guests, restaurant consumers, work in the kitchen or travel agency and tourist points, which will raise their value as an employee in the European job market. - school: enlarging the offer of internships for students, promoting school in the local community, supporting students and motivating them to life long learning, improving school’s ranking, increasing competitiveness of school offer in comparison with other schools in the county, extending the European dimension of the school activity - the region: preparing qualified employees for employers of the region, copying good European standards in the local companies, reducing the cultural distance. Carrying out the project was a great event for students of our school and aroused a great deal of interest among students of younger forms and other profiles as well as of the local community. The notable project effect will be a recruitment of students to new classes – students who are aware of the European dimension of education and vocational experience.
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