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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project: European work placements as a key to success (EPKS) Coordinator: Zespol Szkol Technicznych (PL) Partners: Vitalis GmbH (DE)/Bulgaria Gateway (BG)/Sistema Turismo (IT)/Tribeka Training Lab (ES) Vocational education is bound to prepare students to live in the conditions of the contemporary world, to carry out duties of the professional work and to exist on the continuously changing labour market. The aims of ZST as a school which provides vocational education and the way it is implemented is conditioned by the changes taking place in the social and economic background which are influenced mainly by: economy concept based on knowledge, globalization of the economic and social processes, increasing participation of international trade, geographical and labour mobility, new techniques and technologies and also the rise of employers’ expectations in terms of the level of their employee’s knowledge and abilities. Our school is taking necessary actions in order to support the growth of each student according to his or her needs and potential but also allowing for individual education and career paths, the possibility to raise their level of education and professional qualifications. We also prevent our students from dropping out school prematurely. The implementation of this project is one of such actions. Aims: The main aim of this project is the increase of the vocational education quality in ZST Mikolow through encouraging supranational mobility of students taking vocational education, their in-service training and making use of their hold of knowledge and abilities in practice, in a new professional surrounding, in the pursuit of their personal growth and in gaining qualifications needed on the European Labour Market; learning foreign trade languages; getting to know the operation and work organization in modern in-service training centres and companies in DE /BG/IT/ES what will enable us to educate young employees who will find job easily either in our region or in EU; supporting social and professional adaptation abilities and sensitize them on mental and cultural differences. In reference to applicant institution, realization of the project will enable us to compare school curricula in terms of vocational subjects in PL and EU countries what will allow for the attempt of unification of school curricula, system of grading and confirming the acquired qualifications and professional skills – the attempt of adopting ECVET. The expected results: -exchanging experience between school and partner institutions, sharing good practices -the increase of vocational education quality in ZST -gaining practical professional experience abilities during apprenticeship in companies on the DE/BG/IT/ES territory by ZST students and transferring these experiences onto Polish Labour market -increasing the attractiveness of students on the Labor Market after finishing the school -increasing students’ chance for employment and possibility to take part in European Labor Market -verifying their skills through the appropriate Europass Mobility certificate -using technical terminology in EU languages, improving the knowledge of languages through their practical use -discovering culture and traditions in partner countries -the increase of their cooperation skills in a group and of their self-evaluation. Participants: 10 groups- 80 students from the third grades of technical school with profiles: automotive vehicle technicians, mechanics, electricians, IT technologists, mechatronics, merchants, advertising technicians and from the second and third grade of Vocational School who are educated in such professions as: car mechanic, cutting machines operator, hairdresser, cook and shop assistant. Duration and completion: 4 weeks of professional apprenticeship in companies in DE/BG/IT/ES. The period of the training is divided into 2 parts: on weekdays students are going to improve their vocational skills taking part in apprenticeship in different companies, the second one-students are going to get to know the educational and work system in DE/BG/IT/ES and they are going to participate in a language and cultural course. The apprenticeship in the framework of the project form an integral part of the students’ in-service training. The project is compatible with the needs of our school and region. This project is an answer to the Strategy for the Development of Silesian Province and the Strategy for the Development of Mikolow District: the increase of educational and adaptation abilities to economic and social changes, qualification improvement as a counteraction to a high level of unemployment among young people; adjustment of vocational education to current and expected labour market needs. All of the professions which come within the project and which are mentioned above are on the list of prospective jobs because they are relevant to the development of new technologies, the development of modern industry.

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