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Europejski staż jako początek przyszłej kariery zawodowej uczniów
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The beneficiary of the project is to Technical Vocational School of Logistics, the Technical Vocational School of Information Technology and the Basic Vocational School that educate in professions of the cook and seller in the Upper Secondary Schools of Economics named of Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski in Sandomierz. These are the young people in the initial phase of training at the age of 17 - 19 years, gaining the profession of logistic technician, IT tehcnician, the cook and the seller. The school educates in 20 sections in five types of schools. All the pupils, there are 450 of them, live in the District of Sandomierz. The foreign partners are the companies Sistema Turismo, Bulgaria Gateway and Tribeka. They are private companies, which, among other things deal with with the management of various EU projects, including Erasmus +. The realization of the project is to gain new skills by students. We would like for our participants to extend their substantive knowledge and experience concerning the logistics and information technology processes, catering and learn modern sales techniques. Students will get acquainted with the scope of the rules, regulations and procedures applicable in the EU and with the economic principles of functioning of enterprises in Italy, Spain and Bulgaria. At the same time they will confront the Polish system of vocational training with the Italian, Bulgarian and Spanish, they will extend their knowledge of the labor market and entrepreneurship and improve their language skills. The participation in the project gives them a chance to get to know the partner countries' economic conditions, as well as to increase the independence and ability to cope with the new unfamiliar surroundings. After the initial preparatory course organized bythe Upper Secondary Schools of Economics named of Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski in Sandomierz, it is planned to send four groups of students -16 participants in each with 2 guardians for 3 weeks practice in Spain, Bulgaria, and the two groups in Italy. The main objective of the trainingis to check in practice the gained knowledge and skillsobtained during learning in the school the vocational subjects, learning the occupation environment of the logistics, IT specialist, the cook and the seller, the culture of work in another country, the willingness of work in the future, supporting of adaptation abilities of the seller, and sensitizing on mental and cultural differences. An additional aim but also very important, arising from the fact that the internship will take place in Italy, Bulgaria and Spain, will be the comparison of logistic and informationprocesses, cateringnoveltiesand the sales techniques in companies that our students will visit. The beneficiaries will be able to draw the appropriate conclusions concerning the functioning of enterprises in Poland, Italy, Bulgaria and Spain. Another goal is to learn vocational vocabulary. The additional value will be learning about the culture and customs of Spain, Bulgaria and Italy by the participants. The Upper Secondary Schools of Economics named of Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski in Sandomierzand their foreign partners will take care of all organizational activities so that the youth internship works correctly and on schedule. The participants of the internship thanks to the acquired skills will be valued employees in logistics companies, shipping, information technology, catering and trade. The analysis of our local employers (the interviews) show that the key competencies that are expected from future employees are: - having high practical skills in the area of logistics, information technology, catering and trade, -having professional practice in logistics companies, shipping, information technology, catering and service, -knowing at least one foreign language, preferably englishgeneral and vocational, Young people who leave education at school, can be classified as disadvantaged groups in the labor market. This involves a small amount of experience of young workers entering the labor market and the lack of funds for vocational education and setting up their own businesses. Employers require professional experience in the logistics department, information technology, catering and trade, that is why it is important to strengthen the practical training during the school and the use of EU funds for educational activities throughout their lives. Therefore, a very good option is to participate in the project Erasmus +. The student also gains prestige, which is a positive value and increases the chances of getting a job, becausein greater extent they meet the expectations of potential employers. He also receives a lot of other possibilities, such as: - European dimension of his training - The ability to communicate in a foreign vocational language - Europass Mobility certificate These benefits will improve the situation of a young worker in the labor market and increase his chances for their employment.
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