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Europejska Praktyka Zawodowa
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Europejska Praktyka Zawodowa was a project addressed to 39 students attending Zespol Szkol Ekonomicznych im. Jana Pawla II in Zlotow from the second and third grades in Economics, Trade and commerce, and Information Technology technical classes. The project was dedicated to the development and improvement of students practical skills in relation to overseas interships and work experience. The motivation for the project started as the answer for students needs as well as increasing local enterprises and institutions demands. The project was aimed at creation of a European space for the professional training students, sharing good practices, up-skilling qualifications and training, and guaranteeing social protection and inclusion. The project encompassed 24-month duration (01.07.2014-30.06.2016) and it was based on two interships in Portugal (3-week internship in May 2015 and 4-week internship in May 2016). The students participating in the project were divided into 2 groups accompanied by 2 teachers each. In 2015 the first group of seventeen secondary technical students of Economics went to Barcelos/Braga in order to gain experience, get to know real Portuguese work environment and develop professional skills needed in the labour market. In 2016 the number of participants was enlarged to 22 secondary technical students who served their internships in Granada (Spain) in fields of Information Technology (14 students) and Trade and commerce (8 students). Overseas interships have equalized educational opportunities of the students and ensured them better start in a future professional successful life because the benficiaries are at risk of financial and social exclusion due to their living conditions (deprived rural areas, high rate of unemployement, difficult family situation). The project has made it possible to increase effectiveness and competitiveness of the participants in the local and European labour market as future employees. All trainees got to know how to adapt their school theoretical knowledge for practical use and had the opportunity to work independently as well as participate in a team work. These factors have improved their social skills and affected personal development, especially their self-esteem. Additionally, an important value of the project was that students had the opportunity to improve English production and interaction skills as well as acquire basic phrases of Portuguese and Spanish languages in relation to their specific tasks at work. The project was also aimed at providing all beneficiaries a better knowledge about the cultural, historical and environmental heritage valorization of Portugal and Spain therefore it has encouraged them to become active European citizens. The skills and competences acquired within the internships have been confirmed by an appropriate certificate - Europass Mobility.

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