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Europejska mobilność uczniów ZST w Strzyżowie kluczem do kariery zawodowej
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

As part of the international internship project, 60 students in their 2nd and 3rd year from the Technical School Complex in Strzyzow will have the opportunity to undergo training in the following areas: – mechanical technician, – automotive technician, – commerce technician, – economic technician, – IT (Information Technology) technician, – hairdressing technician. The project participants come from rural areas and small towns, with poor infrastructural and economic development, as well as high unemployment. After graduation, they will become part of a group potentially at risk of high unemployment, and thus people at risk of social exclusion. The implementation of this project is an effective form of combating structural unemployment and is a response to the difficult plight of future graduates of the Technical School Complex in Strzyzow in the local labor market. The main objective of the project is the career development of student technicians from the Technical School Complex in Strzyzow, enhancing their employability and mobility in the labor market, thanks to participation in a foreign internship. The specific objectives of the project are: 1. Acquiring key qualifications to increase chances of obtaining future employment, verified by an international certificate. 2. Gaining work experience in an international environment. 3. Enabling project participants to familiarize themselves with and compare the different aspects of business operations in both countries. 4. Understanding the work rules in an international environment as well as teamwork. 5. Strengthening foreign language skills, including professional terminology. 6. Increased knowledge of the culture and customs of Germany. 7. Consolidating and expanding professional skills required by Polish employers. 8. Building self-confidence to allow participants to navigate the labor market more at ease. 9. Developing an entrepreneurial attitude and fostering creativity. 10. Elevating vocational training. 11. Enriching the school and its prestige in the local community. 12. Supporting individuals from areas with high unemployment. Students will leave for practical training in one term, November 2015. The project is going to be conducted between 1 June 2015 and 1 June 2017. The placement of the students’ training is the city of Lipsk (Germany). The participants of the project are: – Technical School Complex in Strzyzow as the applicant (beneficiary), – Europa Haus, – the students, – German companies. The 4-week internship will be organized in two 30 person rounds, in selected German partner companies and plants, adapted to the professional profile of the students, in order to ensure they benefit optimally from the internship. Custodians will be present on-site with the task of monitoring the course of the training, helping with cultural assimilation and supervising the students. The project guarantees students: transportation costs to and from their internship placement, accommodation, insurance, local transport tickets. Participants will also be given a food allowance. Before departure, students will participate in a preparatory orientation program. This program will encompass language training (online) implemented within the framework of the Erasmus Plus School Program which also introduces professional German terminology, as well as cultural and educational activities. Participation in the project will provide participants with the opportunity to gain skills and social competence unique in the local market, necessary for future work: problem solving, adaptability to new situations, entrepreneurship, the ability to use theory in practice, teamwork, knowledge of a foreign language, including trade-specific language. A foreign internship also allows participants to gain knowledge about European standards of organizational structure and functionality of companies, how they are managed, their operations, duties and responsibilities in the workplace, as well as how they compare to Polish solutions. Students are introduced to modern professional tools, methods of production and services used in their industry. Obtaining an international certificate, as well as acquiring the skills and work experience and social competence will strengthen their position in the national and European labor market. By residing in another country, learning its culture and history, the participants will learn respect and tolerance for local citizens. The school’s participation in the project will increase its prestige in the local environment, which will result in greater interest among youth in technical education. The implementation and dissemination of project results will positively affect the development of the region. It will also show local entrepreneurs the opportunities of cooperating with German firms and the importance of “learning throughout your entire life.”

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