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Europejska kadra w Gimnazjum nr 29
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The ‘European Teaching Staff in Gimnazjum 29’ project was set up to meet the needs of our school, its teachers, students, their parents and the whole local community of Szczecin. The main aim of the project is to increase the quality of the school resulted from raising the level of professional competencies ranging from teaching and learning foreign languages to creating innovative educational programmes and working with the disabled or students with specific learning difficulties.Nine teachers are committed to the project, besides the head teacher and the coordinator. There are three language teachers of English, German and Spanish, four teachers of mathematics, chemistry, physical education and Information and Communication Technology, and also a school guidance counselor and a special needs supportive teacher. The main point of the project is European teaching staff mobility. During fifteen months of the realization of the project the teachers will take part in preparatory actions, including language courses and cultural classes. Over the mobility, that is visiting European countries, such as Germany, Great Britain, Malta, Spain and Austria the participants of the project, apart from new personal and professional experience they will broaden their horizons and acquire professional skills and readiness for cooperation with European Union countries in different projects and exchanges. The participants will also increase their capability for working with teenagers in the digital era. In practice it means development of educational programmes for future first year classes: a bilingual class with English language, a class with extra German lessons, a class with Spanish language and a special needs class. It will also result in wider use of modern tools of information and communication technology in teaching lessons and more professional staff’s work supporting disabled children and those with specific disabilities in learning in the school environment. The above actions will influence many receivers of the project positively. Specifically, students will benefit from more qualified pedagogues, opened to European initiatives. Also, the local community will gain information about the project and its results what will make the local people aware of European initiatives. As for long- term benefits, the prime one will be the European aspect of the school and its teaching staff. It will also benefit the school status in the local environment in Szczecin. What is more, the vision of school promoting foreign languages, integration and innovative educational programmes will become real and tangible. Finally, the project will raise the students’ awareness of the need of using modern technologies for their future professional purposes.
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