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Europeizacja Szkoły poprzez systemowe wprowadzanie nowatorskich metod nauczania w codzienny proces edukacyjny.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

School Europeanization through Systemic Introducuctin of Innovative Teaching Methods in Everyday Educational Process - it is a project the purpose of which is to modernise the working methods of our teachers thorough their participation in innovatice courses wchich upgrade their qualifications, and observing the outcomes of such and similar courses in practice, while visiting a partner institution. Three mobilities are planned: two professional courses and one Job-shadowing visit to Școala Gimnazială „Iancului” in Bucarest, Romania. The courses have been selected in order to match the needs of our teachers, which were ephasised in a survay carried out in school year of 2013/2014, aiming at upgraiding their own qualifications. The underlined needs referred to ways of working with students, and they are as folows: 1) mastering ICT tools in order to use them fluently in everyday working situations, benefitting from newly modernised school multimedia fascilities, and encouraging weaker student to improve their knowledge or those tallented ones to expand it, 2) gaining more knowledge or experience and exchanging good practices relating to outdoor teaching methods adjusted to working with weaker and teachble students simultaniously. 3. observing how ICT tools and outdoor teaching methods work in practice, and what results can be received thorugh implementing them into everyday proces of education. Chosen courses: 1.Sharing Landscapes: using tablets outside the classroom – Greece, which offers: - Basic media skills, film shots editing, mobile learning on a guided tour, tablets and mobiles in editing videos; - introduction to Augmented Reality; QR Codes and other tagging tools; mobile augmented reality for linking the virtual and physical World; - implementation plan in a Webquest structure. 2.ICT for Collaborative, Project-Based, Teaching and Learning – Malta, which offers: - workshops of podcasting, creating presentations and quizes in Prezi; Animation Stop Motion; Digital story-telling; eTwinning – making communities; tools for eTwinning, Twinspace; Photosynth; - Digital Picture Comic; creating web pages: Weebly; - Digital Video Editing; -creating data base of didactic materials. Project objectives: -providing innovative approaches and attractive education programmes by improving the ICT and interdisciplinary competences of the teaching staff and applying them acording to students' needs, expectations and interests, -motivating the teachers to implement interdisciplinary project lessons, inspired by the outdoor using innovative mobile ICT technologies and tools as smartphones and tablets, -enhancing the cooperation among teachers by sharing the experience and knowledge acquired during the courses and in effect realisation of innovative projects at school, -activating students, especially those from disadvantaged groups and low-income families by implementing outdoor teaching methods which will enable them to participate in attractive trips and outings. This will result in strengthening students' self-confidence, self-esteem, responsibility and independence, as well as cooperation and communication skills and the ability to deal with risk situations, -increasing the array of extracurricular classes: implementing innovative interdisciplinary projects in order to balance the educational opportunities of the students with low school performance and to develop the interests and abilities of the talented ones, -increasing the quality of curricula by applying modern teaching methods in order to attract more new students, -insreasing foreign language competences of teachers by providing them with language support before the mobilities, -initiating and reinforcing cooperation with educators from other European countries by participating in eTwinning projects, -applying the European dimension to School management and educational processes by international exchanges resulting from the improved international collaboration among teachers, -creating, sharing and strategic use of the quality-based supportive didactic materials in open educational resources and through Twinspace to enhance cooperation and exchange good practices, -dissemination of the project results and sharing the effects of integrating new methodologies into school daily activities among local institutions -exerting positive influence on local authorities for modern and dynamic cooperation and gaining their long-term support for project activities -recognition and validation of the acquired competenes of the teachers participating in the above mentioned courses. The amount of teachers involve constitutes a critical mass of the teaching staff in our school. This in turn will guarantee long-lasting effects of the implemented strategic changes, which aim at constant professional development of the staff in line with students’ needs, adopting new didactics and ICT-based methods in daily educational process.
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