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European Youth Rhythm
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The economic crisis has hit young people particularly hard. It has widened the gap between those with more and those with fewer opportunities. Some young people are increasingly excluded from social and civic life, at risk of disengagement, marginalisation or even radicalisation. These divides threaten to undermine the social fabric and sustainable long-term economic growth. Europe's ageing population makes integrating all young people (while respecting their diversity) more necessary and urgent.The proposed Youth Exchange is based on transnational cooperation among participants from private and public organisations from 4 EU countries. Emphasis is put on reaching out to marginalised young people, promoting diversity, intercultural and inter-religious dialogue, common values of freedom, tolerance and respect of human rights as well as on enhancing critical thinking and sense of initiative of young people between18 and 25 years old with equal participation of girls and boys. The main concept uniting vulnerable groups of young people as migrants, ethnic minorities, refugees, asylum seekers from different EU MS will be the artistic expression through music and rhythm of their lifestyles and cultures. During the youth exchange in 2 rounds (August and November 2016) the participants will implement a special programme (a mixture of music and dance workshops, exercises, discussions, simulations, role playing, outdoor activities, etc.) that they have designed and prepared before the Exchange. The partners will focus on the broad dissemination of the project outputs: dance videos, song records, short films, e-newsletters and social network group.The specific objectives seek to:- give young people an unique chance for personal, social and professional development through meeting their peers and expressing their lifestyle through music and rhythm in a multicultural environment;- encourage mutual understanding, tolerance and integration, respecting the diversity of cultures;- motivate young people to be active, provoking their imagination and creativity, empowering their visions and abilities;- promote solidarity and friendship among young people, fighting against racism and xenophobia;- raise public awareness on European vulnerable youth integration, promoting cooperation in exploring new educational approaches, such as interactive artistic techniques and creative methods to meet interests, abilities and experiences of young people at risk.Main activities will be: Preparatory visit to plan the project activities among the international coordinating team in Germany in June 2016; Preparation sessions of the Youth Exchanges in each partner country; 1st Youth Exchange in Madrid, ES (22 – 26 Aug 2016) with total of 24 young people (12 girls and 12 boys) at risk of exclusion + 4 group leaders; 2nd Youth Exchange in Sofia, BG (21– 25 Nov 2016) with 24 young people (12 girls and 12 boys) with fewer opportunities from 4 countries + 4 group leaders; Evaluation and Follow-up of the Youth Exchanges; Conclusions, dissemination of produced material and exploitation of project results.It is expected participants to extend the knowledge of themselves, performing an artistic experience but also a very significant life experience. The project will empower youth' abilities to participate actively in the European social and democratic life.The methodological approach taken by EUROPEAN YOUTH RHYTHM to achieve the proposed objectives is participative, of mutual decision taking and regular exchange of information in order to ensure that all consortium members are involved in the project’s progress. All partners commit themselves to share their knowledge and experience within the action, being aware of specific strengths of particular partners. The whole project duration is 9 months, calculated in order to implement correctly the planned activities and achieve the project objectives. Total of 48 young people with fewer opportunities will be involved in the youth exchanges and other 4 in the advance preparatory visit. More than 300 stakeholders and youth public will be reached through final dance and music performances in Spain and Bulgaria. More than 3000 people are expected to join the project web and Facebook/Twitter group. The dance videos, song records and films disseminated in YouTube, social media and different apps will ensure long term impact on direct and indirect target audience raising awareness on the social inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities. The project participants will benefit from the youth exchanges in terms of acquired knowledge, skills, personal achievements which at longer term will facilitate their professional development and positive social change.The involvement of stakeholders from 4 EU Member States will consist an added value towards achieving the expected results and respond effectively to the initiatives and strategies undertaken by the European institutions in the Youth field.

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