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European Youth in Need – New Answers
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The proposed 36-month project "European Youth in Need - New Answers" is carried out by six institutions of youth social work from Germany, Slovenia, Spain, Belgium, Ireland and Poland.The main objective of the partnership is to promote European cooperation and exchange of "good practice" in order to successfully integrate young people, who have lost the connection to the minimum supply in society and work. Hence all over Europe, there are numerous initiatives with troubled and marginalised youth, and bringing together these resources and Know-How at European level is a major aim of the project.The work programme comprises six partner conferences, in which also youth with fewer opportunities shall participate. According to the individual profile of the host organisation in the respective country, the conference will have an overall theme related to empowerment of youth in need .The project will have the following medium and long-term impact: - Strengthening the international dimension of youth activities and the function of youth workers and youth organizations as supporting structures for young people in connection to the external action of the EU, in particular through the promotion of mobility and cooperation of stakeholders from programme and partner countries with international organisations and through targeted capacity building in partner countries;- Enrichment of political reforms in the youth field at local, regional and national level and promotion of the development of knowledge and evidence-based youth policies as well as the recognition of non-formal and informal learning, in particular through improved cooperation, the better use of transparency and recognition instruments EU and the dissemination of good practice; - Promoting quality improvements in youth work, in particular by strengthening cooperation between organizations working on youth issues and / or other stakeholders; - Increased use of innovative and learner-centered pedagogies and developing appropriate evaluation and certification methods based on the learning objectives.

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