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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project European Youth Autumn ( EYA ) includes the implementation of two EVS activities in Belvì, Barbagia (Sardinia), starting from September 2016:- the first activity will allow the Municipality of Belvì to benefit for ten months with the support of two French and Spanish volunteers in carrying out activities in social, cultural and environmental fields;- The second activity, which gives its title to the projects, will host 12 volunteers from four countries (Germany, Latvia , Spain and Malta ) for one month to the Municipality of Belvì and a Local Non Profit Association. They will volunteer with the event " Autumn in Barbagia - Games and Flavors , "which takes place every year in Belvì in October and is aimed at the promotion and enhancement of cultural, artistic, environmental and gastronomic resources of Central Sardinia.The Barbagia Belvì is, in several respects, a very disadvantaged area: an island in the island, where geographical barriers make it difficult for intercultural dialogue opportunities to happen and, consequently, growth and personal development . General objectives of the project are:- promotion of solidarity and social inclusion;- active citizenship and participation of young people in democratic life;- mutual understanding and enrichment amongst young people;- promotion of cultural diversity, to be understood as wealth and not an obstacle ;- strengthening the sense of belonging to the European Union ;- an opportunity for young people coming from different Countries and backgrounds to learn about different cultures and traditions;- intergenerational dialogue .Specific objectives of the project are:- the revitalization of an area with large geographical barriers subject to depopulation and school dropouts ;- development of young peoples language skills and intercultural experience this increasing job opportunities;-consequent reduction of youth unemployment, which affects nearly 50% of Youth in Sardinia, above all among NEETs;- to increase the spirit of initiative, active citizenship and volunteering in Sardinian and foreign Youngsters.EVS long-term volunteers will support the municipality of Belvì and its library in their activities, such as organizing initiatives and meetings aimed to promote reading or carrying out of recreational and entertainment activities for children and the elderly .They will also help pupils with their homework at and will conduct meetings with schools , associations and local authorities in order to raise awareness on the environment and EU opportunities.Short-term EVS volunteers will have different tasks, depending on their areas of interest, which will mainly consist of assisting with organising the event, Autumn in Barbagia. Support is required in the preparation phase of the exhibition areas , preparation of performances, assembly of promotional materials, communication and creation of the eno-gastronomic paths .The methodology used will be informal , participatory and based on "learning by doing", team work, exchange of experience, horizontal relationships and interactive workshops .The project is designed so that both the host community and volunteers can benefit from the activities carried out and will impact volunteers, local young people, hosting and sending communities.Main results will be:- Belvì and Barbagia's areas are revitalized ;- local and foreign youth can become more active, resourceful and generate a greater spirit of volunteerism and adaptation ;- development of skills, abilities and knowledge (a tangible result will be the Youthpass ) ;- youth unemployment rate decreased.
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