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European Values for Inclusive Schools - EVIS
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project “European Values for Inclusive Schools - EVIS" is developed in a national consortium coordinated by the Tulcea County School Inspectorate and three partner schools from Tulcea: Școala Gimnazială ”Grigore Antipa”, Școala Gimnazială Nr. 12 and Școala Profesională ”Danubius”. For a greater impact of the project (both in schools and at the county level) in order to provide a wider context for the exchange and transfer of the best practices, ISJ Tulcea constituted a national consortium, which includes secondary schools with a similar profile of the school population, with common needs and challenges. The consortium was formed on the premise that changing the culture of the organizations should not occur in a singular way, but in a pluralism of ideas, actions and actors of change.Thus the three educational institutions have more chances of succeeding to integrate the European values in order to become inclusive schools, schools open to all children, schools open to the local community and Europe.Through the plan for European development, in the consortium has been identified the need to increase social inclusion of pupils aged between 5 and 14 years old, Roma children, children with special needs and children from disadvantaged groups identified in the three schools.The aim of the EVIS project is to train a total of 18 teachers from pre-school, primary school and secondary school in developing modern integration strategies in order to increase the inclusion of children aged 5-14 from disadvantaged groups.The objectives are:- Continuing professional development of 18 teachers through training in the field of inclusive educational practices during the school year 2016-2017;- Involving a total of 18 teachers in the implementation and promotion of inclusive and non – discriminatory practices favouring the access to education and equal opportunities in school and in the community, during the project and on the long term;- Participation of 18 teachers to the monitoring and assessment of the impact of the inclusive educational practices on the school teams from pre-school, primary and secondary levels and in particular of the 203 Roma students, 25 students with SEN and 352 pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds.The participants at the mobility are 18 tenured teachers in the schools of the consortium working with students from different backgrounds, students with special educational needs and Roma students. They have skills in foreign language communication and team working and their needs for professional development training are similar to the development needs of the school.In order to meet the need identified by the European development plan, the project management team has selected three training courses that provide the participants the development of modern integration strategies for increasing the inclusion of students in pre-school, primary and secondary levels. The methodology of the courses provides a better understanding of education at the European level.The 18 teachers will participate in individual mobility training in three streams:- 2nd - 11th November, 2016 - 6 kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers - "Creativity and Interculturality - Harness the power of creativity in the classroom through intercultural exchange", organized by the Association Dominou Senglea, Malta;- March 2017 - 6 secondary school teachers and school managers - "Addressing Diversity and Equality in the Classroom" Amber Initiatives, Plymouth, UK;- 9th - 15th April, 2017 - 6 primary school teachers and secondary school teachers - "Towards the Inclusive Classroom: Best Practice" Areadne, Kalamata, Greece.An immediate result of the project aims to improve the key competences and skills regarding the equal opportunities in the inclusive schools as well as the innovative and qualitative development and the internationalization of the educational institutions through transnational cooperation and best practices exchange in education.The development of the project in the consortium will lead to building a framework for cooperation and mutual learning in the long term. There will be organized the most appropriate types of activities for dissemination and exchange of best practices in order to ensure the transfer. There will be created prerequisites to develop inclusive cultures, to apply inclusive policies at the institutional level and to prove the viability of inclusive practices experienced in classroom during the project.The EVIS project will provide conditions to develop typical skills and competences acquired in European context in order to ensure the access of all children to a quality education adapted to individual needs which celebrates the diversity and the equal opportunities.

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