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European Union Youth Network at Opel/Vauxhall Sites - Project 2 - Analysing Realities, Defining Needs, Empowering Young Multipliers
Start date: Aug 3, 2015, End date: Jan 2, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

26 young active trade union members from Opel/Vauxhall sites in Germany, Spain, Austria and UK will meet 3 times 5 days in Spain, Austria and Germany within one year in order to learn about each other’s living and working conditions, develop ideas on how to improve these, communicate these to management and unions, set the framework for a long-term European cooperation. As a result the young trade unionists will be enabled to act as trade union multipliers in the youth work of their local organization applying best practices from other countries and focusing on European cooperation and solidarity. The content of this project is six fold. 1) Raising participants’ awareness of young generations’ working and living conditions in the involved countries by discussion, reflection and field visits. 2) Developing ideas on how to improve the young generation’s situation in each country specifically and for all involved countries/ at Opel/Vauxhall in general. 3) Summarizing the lessons learned in a joint report. 4) Communicating requests to management and trade unions. 5) Setting the basis for the European union youth network at Opel/Vauxhall. 6) Enabling young active trade union members to become multipliers in local union youth work focusing on European cooperation and solidarity and applying best practices from other countries. This will be done in five steps. 1) Kick-off Meeting in October 2015 in Spain: Introduction to precarious working and living conditions; Preparing Analysis Framework and Methods for the country reports 2) Working Phase 1: Every country group prepares country report according to the agreed structure 3) Analysis Meeting in May 2016 in Austria: Joint Working on Country reports; Brainstorming on ideas on how to improve young generation’s situation and requests to management and trade unions; raising awareness for challenges of employees in multinational companies; exchanging best practice on local union youth activities and structure 4) Working Phase 2: Drafting report 5) Presentation Meeting in October 2016 in Germany: Finalising joint report and preparing presentation; communication to Management and Unions; Setting framework of Union youth Network and youth work in the different countries. In addition to working on this analysis and report, participants will study each countries living and working conditions by plant visits, youth focused sightseeing tours and country presentations. Furthermore they will get introduced to local union youth work structures and activities. Key results of this project will be a joint report on the situation of the young generation in Germany, Spain, Austria and UK ans well as concrete ideas on how to improve their working and living conditions. Those can be implemented via the strengthened European Network of young trade union members from European Opel/Vauxhall sites and via strengthened local trade union youth work.

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