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Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Spanish organisation “Juan XXIII Foundation”, in collaboration with the Portuguese organisation ““Associação de Amigos de Pessoas com Necessidades Especiais da Madeira”, will develop a project oriented to cover the needs detected in their target group. The youth with disability ignore many European aspects, they present few cultural opportunities, and some artistic and cultural resources are not adapted to their needs. The aim of the project is make know basic European Union aspect to youth with disability through the art and the culture. In order to its achievement, two specific objectives have been considered:- To facilitate to youth with disability the access to the cultural and artistic resources of the host city.- To create spaces that foster the cultural exchange of the participants, favoring the skills acquisition and new competences.The total number of participants will be 42. The project beneficiaries will be 32 participants of both organisations with diverse disabilities, 16 users of each organisation. In order to cover all their social limitations, of communication and the habits of the daily life, each organization count with five professionals like personal of support, 10 professionals. The results that we expect to obtain are:- The youth with disability have had access to the artistic and cultural resources of the host city.- The participants have acquired skills and competences that favor their personal development and improve the intercultural relationship.- The beneficiaries have had the opportunity to know and to be in contact with people with disability of other country member of European Union.The activities will carry out during the 6 days of their stay (plus two travel days) and they are related with the aims and expected results. These activities are framed on ludic – educational actions (gastronomy, dance...), Visit adapted to the cultural resources of the city, activities in order to acquire new knowledges about European Union and evaluation activities.The participants will improve the knowledges about Europe, their linguistic, social, intercultural and communicative competences, their digital skills, and they will develop diverse artistic and cultural actions.The project hope to obtain an impact on their beneficiaries, on the personal of support and on the organisations involved. Hereby the beneficiaries, the project claim to reach their involvement on new activities of no-formal and informal education, to discover new ways in order to strengthen their competences, to improve their social inclusion through the art and culture, among others. The professionals will discover new ways of intervention in front of the needs that the collective present, and the organisations will have the opportunity to offer an answer to the users demands, and they will can set up professionals networks for future projects.
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