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European transparent Transport and Logistics EQF level 4 qualifications for All
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the EU, transport and logistics (T&L) companies, most of which are small to medium-sized companies, employ more than 4% of the active population.The crisis has spurred changes in the demand for skills. Demand for jobs requiring low qualifications is decreasing, and tomorrow’s knowledge-based industries require increasing levels of qualification. The T&L sector is given greater consideration in employment and training policies. National dynamics tend to extend onto the European level: standardisation and certification, cooperation and coordination through social dialogue, transposition of common approaches, tools, and standards from one field to another or from one member state to another. In particular , as far as T&L VET is concerned , one may observe that in some countries such as in Spain (and in particular in Catalonia) and Italy (and in particular in Emilia Romagna region), EQF level 5 qualifications in T&L do exist but none are referenced to EQF level 4 and thus revealing a lack of coherence in the training offer related to our sector as well as a need for the profession to develop high quality qualifications in line with national and European objectives. In other countries such as Belgium and France, trainings corresponding to EQF level 4 qualifications exist but they do not fit ECVET methodology and are not consistent with the EQF descriptors and thus are not translated into a European comparable format. In Belgium for example T&L technician qualifications exist (training started 1 year ago) referenced at national level but still awaiting competent body validation to reference it at EQF level 4. In France, more and more training centres providing EQF level 4 qualifications in transport, logistics and even driving are willing to organise recognised mobilities of students with other European countries but are definitely lacking supporting tools for mobility and beforehand clear shared references with other European countries. AFT (France) wishes to respond to these issues within the framework of the ETL 4 All project, in co-operation with 4 European and multi-actor partners: Le Forem and the Centre of Coordination and management of European Programmes in Belgium, ITL in Italy and the Education Department of the Generalitat de Catalunya in Spain. Indeed ETL 4 All aims to ensure the availibity and ECVET compatibility of T&L EQF level 4 qualifications in partner countries. The main results, will be : • SHARED REFERENCES for EQF level 4 qualifications in T&L by the provision of : job profiles, occupational standards , competence standards following proven efficient ECVET methodology i.e the competence standards will be transcripted into Learning Outcomes using the EQF descriptors (Knowledge, Skills and Competences) and knowledge limits providing details about what the holders of the qualifications are supposed to master. • MOBILITY TOOLS to support learners and staff mobility at this level • CREATION OF A MOBILITY NETWORK and its integration to the existing NETINVET network (Mobility network gathering more than 50 EQF level 5 training centres in international trade and T&L). OVERALL OBJECTIVES: Our project aims at reinforcing transparencies of vocational qualifications in Europe and enlarging the NETINVET European network to EQF level 4 qualifications, extending the spectrum of mobility opportunities and enabling a greater mobility of trainees and trainers in Europe and increasing thus their knowledge, skills and competences as well as their competitiveness. OPERATIONAL OBJECTIVES: • Drawing up job profiles and occupational standards for the selected qualifications • Drawing up competence standards following provenly efficient ECVET methodology • Building up a network of EQF level 4 training centres and companies willing to host traineeships/internships. All of our results will be accessible on a open website. The effective application over time of the outputs obtained is a major goal of the project. AFT, as its promoter, situates the project within the wider and longer-lasting operating perspective of a future training network of EQF level 4 training centres, set up in the last phase of the ETL 4 All project. MAIN TARGETS • Candidates for training, within the T&L sector, at EQF Level 4; candidates for work experience validation; workers who want to move into T&L sector • VET providers at EQF level 4 • Competent bodies in terms of qualifications • T&L companies • Social partners: developing the tools to increase the competence of the workers is one of their core objectives.
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