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European trainee mobilities - Lernen in Europa
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Berufskolleg Bachstraße, a vocational training college in Düsseldorf, is applying for the participation in the mobility project “European Trainee Mobilities – Traineeship in Europe” for the fifth time. Berufskolleg Bachstraße is responsible for the academic part of training of all the trainees involved in the project. With the help of this project it would like to improve young people´s job opportunities and perspective in life. It would also like to contribute to a peaceful co-existence in Europe. Obtaining intercultural competences and knowledge of foreign languages shall open up various career opportunities in Europe and internationally. With the project application at hand, we intend to send at least two trainees, who are training to become Specialists in Media and Information Services, numerous other trainees (part-time) courses and pupils, who attend a full-time course to become foreign language correspondents. The two trainees, who are training to become Specialists in Media and Information Services work in different libraries and are going to do their internships in Austria and Scotland. One trainee, who is in her third year of training, is going to do her internship at Bernhard King Library of Abertay University, which is in Dundee. She will get to know an excellent institution, which is renowned and cooperating all over Europe. The second trainee, who is in her first year of training, is going to do her internship in the Austrian National Library. During this traineeship, the focus is on the recognition of cultural differences between two German-speaking countries as well as on working in a national library, which cultivates international contacts due to its assignment. The necessity for Specialists in Media and Information Services to have a command of specialist vocabulary is ever increasing due to the expansion of the use of electronic sources of information. Specifically in scientific and technical fields, these are often, and sometimes exclusively, in English. In recent years, pupils often did an internship abroad after their completion of training to become foreign language correspondents. For promotion, they turned to pool-projects because it was difficult to consider May (the usual time) in our projects. For this and other reasons we have decided to apply for a 24-month-project this year. We have some more trainees, who are interested in an internship abroad, but who are still waiting for the confirmation of their partners. As it is very likely that these confirmations will be given, we have considered some more mobilities next to the firmly agreed ones. In the coming two years, we will presumably send two trainees to the British Library and there is reason to hope that the National Library of Scotland, after its renovation, will be able to supervise interns again. Another will go to the ÖNB in 2016. For all of the trainees, their stay abroad will be an opportunity, not only to learn to adapt to new social structures and ways of life, but also to get to know new work surroundings with their own specific demands. The trainees will all take part in a preparatory seminar before they leave. This will take place in a youth hostel in the vicinity and will include an overnight stay. The seminar will focus on intercultural and linguistic preparation and will clarify technical formalities. It will be extremely helpful and interesting for the participants to meet others in a similar situation. During the entire project the EU representative of Berufskolleg Bachstraße and the school’s present coordinator will be in contact with the participants via Mail, telephone and, should it become necessary, in person. When everybody has returned, there will be another meeting to which the trainers are also invited. Thus, the project can be evaluated and experiences exchanged. We hope to organize Europe Day in May 2016 and 2018 again. On this day the participants will report about their experiences and receive their Europässe Mobilität. Other classes are welcome to come to this meeting, where they can, for example, find out about the Erasmus+ project. After taking part in such a meeting new students often decide to do a training period abroad themselves.
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