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European Theatre Technicians Education
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project „European Theatre Technicians Education“ While cultural activities are often performed at an international level, the qualification and vocational education occur on very different levels in the different countries. Therefore this project is focused on vocational schools and institutions that are teaching future specialists of theatre, stage and event technology. The objective is to determine the aspects of the professional qualification relevant to health and safety and to develop an internationally comparable level and standards. The partners taking part in the project are the professional organizations Deutsche Theatertechnische Gesellschaft (DTHG) e.V. (Bonn, Germany), Vereniging voor Podiumtechnologie (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), STEPP vzw (Brussels, Belgium) and Svensk Teaterteknisk Förening (Stockholm, Sweden) and as professional partners on this area OSAT - stichting overleg onderwijs arbeidsmarkt theatertechniek (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) and the Erasmushogeschool Brussel with its Kenniscentrum Podiumtechnieken RITS (expertise center for the technical performing arts) (Brussels, Belgium). The partners provide a good testing platform since in these countries the vocational education in the area of event technology is based on similar views and traditions and therefore a comparing analysis as well as common conclusions for future changes are possible. The project will include the following steps: 1. The project will develop an agreed description of core safety competences / skills. The competences will be written independent of language, local context and technology. The descriptions will be related to the ESCO taxonomy and the different national systems. We presume the set will be around 10 skills / competences and will include working with electricity, hanging loads above persons, the construction of temporary constructions or venues and rigging. 2. To be able to train practitioners in their working environment, open Educational Resources for these competences will be developed. The resources can be used in collective education and training as well as in individual or on line learning. They will be available in the 3 project languages and English. The developed training material will also be spread over different training and education institutes in open source. 3. The project develops a 'train the trainer' program for the agreed core safety skills. This includes methodology, background knowledge and tools. It is meant for trainers as well as coaches in the work environment. The train the trainer program will be repeated on demand (also for new countries). The program will be continued with financial sources like all other further training programs in the different countries. 4. A set of agreed standards for assessment of the core skills / competences is developed, including procedures for testing and quality control. The standards are written in a way that they can be imbedded in the different national systems later. 5. By working together, a permanent network between the the partners and their stakeholders in the different countries will be developed. This stakeholder network will continue, since the stakeholders need each other in order to continue the mutual recognition. 6. To support the previous actions and to disseminate the results an exchange platform for teachers and professionals is created. After the life time of the project, the group will continue to work together to keep the platform alive. Dissemination starts right from the start of the project. A project website is build containing all project and partner information in English and the project languages. During the project the website is updated with results, course materials, reports etc. . Social media presence is developed to reach a larger audience, promote the project and get direct feedback from the work floor. The professional associations DTHG, VPT, STEPP and STTF will use personal advise to their members and sector gatherings like Bühnentechnische Tagung (DE), Cue (NL), NOTT (SE), Lounge (BE), Plasa (UK), Stage|Set|Scenery (DE) and USITT Conference (US) to promote the results.

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