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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The mobility project 'Improving our bilingual programme: methodology and evaluation' that we want to implement in our school El Santo, a Pre-Primary and Primary school located in Alcázar de San Juan, in La Mancha region, born from the restlessness and the need to change the perspective of our Educational Project and to start expanding horizons, taking as a starting point Erasmus + initiatives and other European programs. Training experiences that we want to develop, allow the participating teachers, and by extension to the educational community, improve their skills in various areas (communication skills, methodology, management and evaluation programmes). With respect to participants, there are 5 teachers from our school, two of them members of the Management Team, Director and Secretary, a Social Worker who works in other schools in Alcázar de San Juan, and three teachers who teach in English Natural Science. The activities that we want do are: three training courses related to CLIL methodology, which will give greater cohesion and a better consistency to the bilingual program that we have started last course; one course of evaluation and monitoring, which will help us to evaluate our bilingual programme and other projects, understand others European education systems and also establish new contacts for potential new european projects; a course of Mediation and conflicts, which will guide the mediation between conflict within institutions. We will do three periods of job shadowing in European schools with experience in working with foreign languages and CLIL methodology, and allows closer to knowing other realities and educational systems. With respect to the methodology used to carry out this project, we start with the detection of our school needs and establishing lines of training according to those needs. Then we make the selection of participants in a transparent and fair way, according to the criteria set and considering the established lines of training. We have been looking for the best training options in accordance with the training needs identified and then we select the courses we want to do and the school where we can do the job shadowing through eTwinning. Once the project is approved, we will form a working group composed of the participating teachers, they will prepare the mobility activities: trip, accommodation and meals, always with the help of the organizers. During and after the implementation of the activities, results and experiences acquired would be disseminated through our social networks (Facebook and Twitter) and a the blog. We will also conduct the assessment of the achievement of the objectives and their impact. Regarding the impact of the expected results in the participating teachers: improving the participants' english linguistic competences, new enthusiasm and inspiration in teaching, better knowledge of CLIL methodology, knowledge of the education system in England, Ireland, Finland and Turkey, expanding the vision on how to manage and direct the school and stimulation of learning processes, evaluation and monitoring of projects and how to mediate in conflicts. Also this impact will extend to the school, and allow us to improve our Multilingualism Plan, encourage innovation and improvement processes, improving the opportunity to build networks of international contacts, to actively participate in society and develop a sense of European citizenship and identity. And finally, regarding the target audience, the expected impact will allow students to encourage respect for other peoples and cultures, improving language proficiency in English, increase their motivation in learning the second language, as well as the need to communicate with students from other countries in Europe. With respect to families, increase the motivation to learn foreign languages, improving the importance attached to this area. Finally, the Educational Community can create of a sense of European citizenship. This project will be an important quality factor of the institution. The long-term benefits of these activities seem clear: increased motivation to learn foreign languages, enhance the sense of belonging to the European Union to strengthen intercultural dialogue, through knowledge and respect for other peoples and cultures, improved expectations of personal and professional future students, improving the efficiency and quality of the education we provide and training within the framework of European citizenship, conducting future projects with contacts made in courses such as actions under the program Erasmus Plus, Professional Stays, projects through eTwinnig and using of the Europass.

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