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European Sport Inclusion Network (ESPIN) - Promoting Equal Opportunities of Migrants and Minorities through Volunteering in Sport
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The vision of the two-year ESPIN project is to increase sports participation of disadvantages groups by promoting volunteering and equal access of migrants & minorities to organised sport.The under-representation of migrants and ethnic minorities and their exclusion from positions of authority or status is a reality in many sports. The lack of advancement of minorities in non-playing positions (administrators, coaches, referees) remains a recurring issue in many European sports.The overall objective of the project is to promote social inclusion and equal opportunities in organised sport through volunteering of migrants and minorities and capacity-building in sport organisations. Workstreams A. Baseline Study-Access, Participation & Exclusion of migrants and minorities in European sport B. Supporting Volunteering of Migrants in Sports: Developing a European Quality Mark Scheme and Trainings C. FARE Action Weeks 2015: Raising public awareness on exclusion D. European Networking Conference: Levelling the Playing Field – Make Sport accessible for Minorities F. Coordination, Networking, Communication and Evaluation Expected results • Increased capacities and competences of migrant lead and mainstream clubs to engage, support and train volunteers from migrant/ethnic minority backgrounds and increased competences of volunteers from migrant/ethnic minority backgrounds on how to volunteer within clubs• Developed a framework to enhance local engagement pathways/networks for clubs, and volunteers from migrant/ethnic minority background and having bridged connectivity gaps between mainstream clubs and migrant groups• Increased understanding and awareness of discriminatory practices and exclusionary discourses in sport among sport and football stakeholders • Enhanced transnational cooperation and exchange of good practice among marginalised groups, NGOs and sport stakeholders which leads to the establishment of a European network on social inclusion in sport
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