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European snow city
Start date: Dec 5, 2013,

“European snow city” is a Youth Exchange that will take place in the mountainous southwest part in Republic of Macedonia, in the National park Pelister. The main objectives of the exchange are: promoting active citizenship of the youngsters in the society, acknowledging and learning the importance of the European citizenship, reflecting and sharing their experiences of what Europe means in their countries, experiencing inter-cultural learning as well as healthy lifestyle during the whole activity and furthermore practicing it afterward in their countries. These objectives will be implemented in 9 activity days by 40 participants coming from 8 European countries: Serbia, Croatia, Lithuania, Hungary, Turkey, Romania, Spain and Macedonia as hosting country. Activities start with icebreakers and energizers among participants, followed by clues games, debates/discussions, creative workshops and practical exercises, quizzes, thematic evenings, indoor and outdoor activities, all in the means of non-formal education as methods used. The final product will be construction of snow city which will represent the Europe we want to see, with art pieces made of snow by the participants. The outdoor activities will be followed by walking/hiking in the area, by exploring the beauties of practicing healthy lifestyle. The nature and Europe will unite all these youngsters, and inspire them for sharing its positive effects with the peers in their countries. Moreover through open debates and sessions the participants will learn the basic facts of the European Union, the EU dimension and the importance of youngsters’ inclusion in the future Europe.
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