European Projects
European Science, Technology, Engineering and Elec..
European Science, Technology, Engineering and Electronics Mobility 2 and European Football Development Project
Start date: Dec 31, 2016,
End date: Dec 30, 2018
Context and Objectives:The ESTEEM (European Science, Technology, Engineering, Electronics and Math) 2 and EFD (European Football Development) project will provide students (male and female) from Gower College Swansea, many of whom have not traveled abroad before, with their first taste of living, learning and working in another country. The project hopes to broaden the horizons of our students and help them gain self-confidence and self-reliance whilst completing units of their course in an innovative way. Students from STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) curriculum areas have been chosen as they are priority areas for the Welsh Government and the European Union and are curriculum areas which offer employment opportunities across Europe. We are also looking to develop these opportunities into the Sport curriculum as Wales has a sports sector that embraces collaboration and encourages new ways of delivering opportunities to increase participation and improve elite performance and this project supports this ethos. We have a reciprocal partnership with a peer college in the Netherlands in the area of Motor Vehicle, a reciprocal partnership with a peer college in Denmark in the area of Computer Technology, a reciprocal partnership with a peer college in Germany in the area of Digital Technology and a new partnership with Sport Lisboa e Benfica in Portugal for our football students. Through this project we hope to provide opportunities for 112 full-time (male and female) students aged 16+.Activities and methodology:The teaching and vocational training will have been selected to meet the individual skills and learning needs of each participant based on their CV and individual learning plans. The learning plans will have been developed based on the skills and learning needs of specific units in each vocational course as well as the individual learning needs of each participant. Experiences through our partnership will be available at North Copenhagen Business College, Sport Lisboa e Benfica, Werner Siemens Schule, ROC Midden College, BMW, Audi, Ferrari, Bosh, Siemens and Mercedez Benz.Results:The accompanying staff and receiving subject staff, along with workplace supervisors (where applicable), will assess and record the skills and learning competencies demonstrated by each participant. These will include competencies in essential employability skills such as appropriate behavior, attitude, team working, communication and initiative as well as subject-specific skills. We expect students to achieve academically whilst gaining confidence, independent decision making, self-reliance and motivation. All students will have their experience validated via college certificates and a mobility certificate.Impact:Based on previous experiences we expect these activities to have a really positive impact on the participating students' attitude, coursework and behavior having gained real experience and an understanding of teaching practices in another European country. Being exposed to different practical tasks and techniques will be of real value to future employees and will enhance their coursework. As an added value students will also have gained a wider understanding of the European economy.Longer-term benefits:We believe that this project will have long term benefits for the participating students. Gaining this type of experience and being exposed to some of the soft skills that will have been developed by traveling, studying and working in a foreign place will have a really positive impact on the participants. We believe that their aspirations and desires will change and that their self belief to achieve more will be enhanced. Again these thoughts are based on seeing the changes in previous participating students. The impact on the college: We have seen an improvement in the pass rates and grades on courses where students participated in mobilities and a recognition across the curriculum spectrum of the benefits both to individual students and the departments. We are seeing an increased demand from curriculum teams for their students to participate in future projects. This has been achieved through disseminating project results via the use of ambassadors, our college website, Colleges Wales newsletter and Europemobility network. We aim to build a greater interest in the wider Erasmus+ programme in Wales through our partners at home and abroad.The industries in which these participants will be entering are highly competitive and the college is looking to give them every possible opportunity to gain an advantage to achieve and succeed. Our project will also have the added value of providing our accompanying staff with the opportunity of job shadowing and sharing best practice with their peers abroad.