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European Public Art Project
Start date: Sep 1, 2011,

EUROPA is a 24-months cultural action aimed at fostering the transnational mobility of artists, designers and creative practioners, (especially the younger). They are mobilized using a participatory approach for developing arts/urban interventions in 3 targeted EU territories featured by different scale of urbanity and environment. The project promotes the diffusion, experience and circulation of novel site-specific installations, interventions and/or creative environment. The project workplan is made of 5 WPs encompassing fieldwork and experimental creative activities. WP1 focuses on exploring, investigating and surveying the targeted territories to collect and aggregate a critical mass of knowledge and users' needs. This information will be exploited to develop visions and urban/arts interventions through workshops and creative laboratories (WP2). While WP3 is centred on showcasing and events organisation to deliver to the society innovative creative outputs developed jointly in WP2. It includes exhibits, interventions in public spaces, conferences and social events. Outcomes areresearch insights, project plans and actual installations. In order to network, disseminate and communicate with the targeted groups, WP4 is envisaged to orchestrate the plans, resources and opportunities for transferring and benchmarking experience with other organisations. The partners will present their findings at workshops, roundtables and exhibits in a EU context. Outreach is planned in the framework of 2012 European Capital of Culture in Maribor. There we will present the challenges and results achieved. Finally, WP5 ensures the project management. The partnership mobilizes 5 organisations from 4 EU countries (IT,CZ,SI,UK). It includes a Municipality, 2 private-no profit cultural organisations and 1 higher-education partner expert in narrative environment. We want to join forces to explore how transdisciplinary artistic research and methodologies can enrich the urbanity dimension.

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3 Partners Participants