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European Policy in Work Safety and Environment Protection
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The EU has one of the world's highest environmental standards. It helps protect nature, encourages business to go green, and safeguards the health of people. The EU has accumulated a valuable experience that has to be disseminated among other countries.This project aims developing of a module “European Policy in Work Safety and Environment Protection” that will be taught in Russia at the department of Ecology and Industrial Safety at Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU), which is officially recognized as the leading department in the sector of Health and Safety and Environment protection among other Russian universities. This module will be developed on the basis of the existing module “Environment protection” that has been taught for recent twenty years, but was limited to delivering of only Russian legislation and Russian experience. The new module will: • point out major differences between Russian and EU work safety and environment legislation, • outline the weaknesses of Russian legislation in the related topic,• outline the strength of the EU legislation in the related topic,• allow students to make the conclusions on the changes need to be done in Russian legislation.The total duration of the new module will be 108 hours. The module is obligatory for all bachelor students of the third year of study at the department according to their study programme.There are in average about 50-54 students per intake at the department. All of them after graduation will be recognized in the country as specialists of the highest level in the related topic. According to the statistics of BMSTU more than 80% of graduates of this department are professionally employed in work safety and environment protection sector. Therefore, one may conclude that after completion of this module these people will be able to implement the knowledge in practice and introduce the EU experience in work safety and environment protection at company and state levels.
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