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European Pharmacoinformatics Initiative

In pharmaceutical research, advanced technologies have resulted in data generation on a previously unknown scale. Knowledge management has thus been identified as one of the top priorities in the Innovative Medicines Initiative. EUROPIN brings together six institutions from five European Countries to develop a joint PhD program on Pharmacoinformatics in order to promote training and education of top level scientists in this field. It will provide a platform for training through research focusing on methods and applications used in computational drug design and development. Core objectives are to promote creativity, competitiveness, employability and entrepreneurial spirit of young scientists. These will be achieved via strong emphasis on cooperation and mobility of students and teaching staff, by use of intensive programmes and workshops with strong participation of experts from Pharmaceutical Companies, and by extensive use of web-based virtual training activities. Major project outcomes will be a PhD curriculum in Pharmacoinformatics mutually recognised by all partners. Students will earn a pool of expertise by combination of front end qualifications of different research groups. Quality assurance and continuous evaluation by an external advisory board will assure a top level program. Development and continuous enhancement of a comprehensive e-learning platform will allow to distributing and implementing the training activities throughout Europe. The impact envisaged is creating a pan-European framework for front end teaching and training in the field of Pharmacoinformatics in order to increase the competitiveness and employability of European students and to overcome the current bottlenecks identified in the Innovative Medicines Initiative.

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5 Partners Participants