European Projects
European Literacy and Citizenship Education-Plus
European Literacy and Citizenship Education-Plus
Start date: Sep 1, 2014,
End date: Aug 31, 2017
The development of nationalistic viewpoints and the growing lack of interest for the original European project show a need for an input in European literacy and intercultural, inclusive, approaches. The increasing difficulty for Europeans to face up to competition from other international countries and growing rates of unemployment in the EU show a need for more effective education and training environments.
If we look at the European 2020 strategic framework, we see the following challenges:
- Making lifelong learning and mobility a reality;
- Improving the quality and efficiency of education and training;
- Promoting equity, social cohesion, and active citizenship;
- Enhancing creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training.
Those are the priorities that our ELICIT+ project will address.
It is the result of a cooperation between two successful networks: ELOS and ELICIT and it will be enriched with input from the Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education (CSIE).
The main objective is to establish a sustainable and growing network of training modules and training locations for teachers, parents and other actors in education to educate a growing number of European pupils, students and adults to become responsible European citizens who can be competitive in the global community.
The project consortium is composed of 26 partners from 13 different European countries including universities, education institutes, associations, INGOs, schools, local authorities. The target groups are adults involved in education (formal, informal and non-formal) and students at all levels, from schools to universities.
The main activities will be the implementation of different training modules: training the trainers, initial and in-service training for teachers, long life learning for adults, training teachers, educators and parents in the principles and methodology of inclusive education, and the common European mention for universities. The modules and pedagogical material will be designed during the first year, based on the frameworks of competences elaborated at two levels by ELOS (CFEC) and ELICIT. During the second year, they will be tested and updated so that they can be implemented and evaluated during the final year of the project.
Products: For the different modules, Elicit + aims at developing toolkits which will be available not only in paper version but also as web-based tools, various dissemination products such as booklets, brochures, flyers, posters in all the partners’ languages. A final dissemination conference will be held in a country which is not a project partner.
Throughout the project, the transnational working language will be English, but national languages will be used in all dissemination activities.
Expected results and impact: the network envisages a number of 14 in-service training modules to be developed and implemented at different venues in Europe. Initial training modules will be offered by each partner involved in initial teachers’ education. A “train the trainers” programme will be offered for parents and other adults. The training programme will be developed and tested by the project partnership consisting of organizations representing the different categories of the target group. As mentionned above, the results will be available in all partners’ languages to support the dissemination and further exploitation.
At the end of the project, we will have an important number of people trained: parents, teachers, student-teachers, and pupils in a framework of recognized European and international competences. In addition, the project will follow a clear exploitation and sustainability strategy in order to guarantee the transfer of the core project results into the mainstream such as by establishing regional round-table groups with relevant stakeholders or by linking the project to other relevant networks such as the Education Commission of the Council of Europe.
This ambitious project is rooted in a very strong partnership, which covers a wide variety of organisations and which spans a large geographical area.
After ELICIT+ is completed, it is envisaged to enter the Jean Monnet programme with Jean Monnet Modules, Networks and Projects.
The products will remain freely available on the dedicated website and ELICIT+ partners will be willing to accompany the dissemination of their training modules.
A research group will be set up to study and assess the longer-term impacts of the project.