European Learning Communities for Training of peop..
European Learning Communities for Training of people with mental illness
The ELECT project promotes learning opportunities and access to education andemployment of people with long-term mental illness and improves their educationalbackground and quality of life. The project is aiming at the improved social inclusion andlabour market integration of people recovering from severe mental illnesses in thecontext of community-based rehabilitation and training policy. In the long run the projectstrengthens the circa 90-100 existing European clubhouses as learning communitiesand as an informal and alternative training settings to help and support the formaleducational institutions to include people with mental illness in their mainstreamprogrammes. ELECT motivates, activates and facilitates clubhouse members (trainees,learners) to adult education and vocational training. The project enhances cooperationfor education and training support between the Clubhouses' psycho-social rehabilitation,clubhouse training bases, clubhouse coalitions and the formal educational institutions inthe partner countries.ELECT creates a set of supported education methods and tools for people who arerecovering from mental illness and wanting to develop their personal qualification,educational pathway and inclusion in the mainstream education and labour market. Firstphase to achieve this goal is to improve their basic skills and motivate them to take partin training or pre-training and learning to learn courses. Second phase is to develop onsite support methods for trainees whose studies have been interrupted or has not yetbeen started because of a severe psychiatric disability. Methods are developed in cooperationwith formal educational institutions and the informal clubhouse trainingcommunities. In the third phase the project organizes a supported education pilotcourses for qualified trainers and peer trainers. After the pilot courses participants startto create a curriculum of supported education for the people recovering from long-termmental illness.
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