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European Knowledge and Qualification Network in the Cross-Border Region (EKQ NET IN CBR BG-MK) (EKQ NET IN CBR BG-MK)
Start date: Jul 22, 2012, End date: Jul 22, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Main Objective:To promote social cohesion and to contribute to the increase of the quality and the adaptability of the Human Resources (HR) to the needs of the business in the cross-border region – Municipalities of Kyustendil/Blagoevgrad and Gevgelija through broadening the capacity of the NGOs, VET Centres, employers and of the local/public administration for improving the HR management and for cooperation and partnership in carrying out joint HR development initiatives, programs, training and networking.The four Specific Objectives are:1. To activate the interaction between NGOs, VET Centres, employers and administration in the municipalities of Kystendil/Blagoevgrad and Gevgelija for joint planning of CBC initiatives for improvement of the knowledge and skills of the active population and raising its awareness on the advantages of the EU policies and practices related to education/training and lifelong learning. 2. To contribute to the further improvement of the adaptability of labour force and the social cohesion through identification of learning needs in the target CBR, joint elaboration of training programs/modules and transfer of best practices for improving the knowledge and skills of the labour force to match the needs of the business. 3. To create conditions for increasing the efficiency of HR management in the CBR by establishing a cooperation tool for HR development – European Knowledge and Qualification Network in the Cross-Border Region Bulgaria – FYROM. 4. To raise the awareness in the target CBR by developing an Internet site with e-resources and providing information about the trends and the needs in the labour market and the learning and training opportunities. Achievements: The General result related to the Measure 1.2. Social Cohesion – Improved environment for the development of relationship across the border is achieved according to the target set in the AF – 1%. The percentage is based on the achieved project outputs/results, ported in the PPR for Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4. In Q3 and Q4 this indicator is achieved through the partnerships established during the training seminars (S1, S2,S3 , S4 and two study visits with Round table), the information spread trough public ations in the media, municipality revues and local TV in the CBR, partnerships and linkages established during training activities, thefunctioning of the CBC tool EKQ Net (code and strategic plan for development), all produced materials and studies carried out during the project implementation and the project website. The project specific result indicator Paper on HR management and development priorities addressed to government policy makers is achieved according to the target set in the AF. The Paper on HR management and development priorities is based on the conclusions of the studies and the trainings carried out during the project addressed to government policy makers – uploaded on the Project site.
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  • 85%   84 965,41
  • 2007 - 2013 Bulgaria - Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia IPA CBC (BG-FYROM)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

2 Partners Participants