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European-jobguide Cross-Carpathia (HUSKROUA/0901/106)
Start date: Jan 2, 2011, End date: Jan 1, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Overall objective: to intensify the cooperation in the common cross border region Hungary-Romania-Ukraine in a socially and economically sustainable way through implementing relevant instruments meant to support the development of a cross-border labour market.Specific objective: to setup an information system on labour-market issues, on training, qualifications and job opportunities in the common cross-border area of the countries Hungary, Romania and Ukraine, by designing, developing and integrating a multilingual online-information portal to compare job profiles as well as vocational and advanced training initiating this way a cross-border transfer of knowledge and experience by network activities.Main activities:• WBS 1. PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND CONTROLLING (project launching, management, controlling, monitoring of activities, intermediary/final reports, steering committee meetings)• WBS 2. TENDERS AND SUB-CONTRACTING PROCEDURES (development and implementing of procedures) • WBS 3. WEB DEVELOPMENT, IT-SUPPORT, QUALITY CONTROL (graphical design of the web- platform, preparation of the data bases, translation of contents of the web platform, survey, etc.)• WBS 4. ANALYSIS, RESEARCH AND TRANSLATION (identification and analysis of data and information; translation of information; analysis and research of European good practices; study on labour market development)• WBS 5. UPDATES• WBS 6. NETWORKING, WORKSHOPS (organisation of thematic workshops; study visit to another European-Jobguide region, trans-regional exchange of good practice and initiation of personalised networks)• WBS 7. NEWSLETTER (preparation, translation and distribution of a cross-border newsletter with three annual issues) • WBS 8. PUBLIC RELATIONS (PR activities related to workshops and public presentations of the project Achievements: • An increased transparency and a more equal access to one-stop information relevant for cross-border labour market• New active cross-border networks developed• An increased exchange of practical experience of all labour market participants e.g. social partners, educational institutions/experts and policy makers• Multilingual online-information portals designed, developed and integrated• Studies and analysis on the cross-border labour market elaborated• A better visibility of EU and project objectives in the Region and also of project results.• Better project management skills of partners staff
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  • 89%   452 668,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

2 Partners Participants