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European Digital Portfolio for University Students
Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The proposed project, EDIPUS, will create a new powerful tool, namely the Digital Portfolio Portal (DPP) which will be addressing the employability needs of university students and young job seekers. The DPP, will provide students with a digital area, where they can create their own portfolio of experiences and qualifications in a creative and professional way. The DPP aims to replace the traditional CV, by offering a smarter tool to students to express themselves. A Digital Portfolio will allow students to record all their experiences and to present themselves to employers prior to an interview, thus having the chance to make a good first impression. In addition, EDIPUS will produce a Database of digital portfolios, where employers can have access and choose the right candidates for their company needs. A Guidebook will be created on the technical details of creating a digital portfolio, while providing advice on how to communicate strengths and qualifications of the candidate to potential employers. A training course for university students will be developed so as to guide them through the relevant processes of using the Digital Portfolio Portal. The EDIPUS will build upon EDIPED (106059-CP-1-2002-1-COMENIUS-C21) another European funded project which produced a tool for the development of an on-line digital portfolio for Educators and which since 2005 has been live and used by more than 1000 educators. It will improve and build upon other existing European practices and tools which also address the employability of young people. The core objective of the EDIPUS project is to enhance the chances of employability of students and young job seekers in Europe. The aim is to create a tool to help students express themselves creatively and professionally through a Digital Portfolio, while also involving career counselors and university advisors. Another major objective is the creation of a Database of digital portfolios so as to successfully engage employers in the process of utilizing this tool in selecting their potential employees. The main project target group are university students from any background who wish to develop a personal on-line digital portfolio; more than 100,000 students will be reached. The secondary target group includes career officers, as well as, other representatives from university student services in Europe, and it is estimated that 4,000 university career offices will be informed about the project. Furthermore, employers’ associations and various enterprises (3000 at least) will be reached through the local events and other dissemination activities. The methodology and activities for implementing the project is simple: the project starts with the formulation of an analysis report for the specifications of the Portfolio Portal, including a Needs survey targeting possible users of the proposed Portal (O1). This activity will lead to the design and development of the Digital Portfolio Portal (O2), which will more specifically focus on the development of the digital tool, the clear definition of its structure and technical specifications. In addition to the development of O2, a Digital Portfolio Database (O3) will be created based on all the aforementioned. Furthermore, a Digital Portfolio User Guide Book (O4) will be designed and structured that will help users on how to easily use the DPP in order to create a digital portfolio. Finally, a training course (O5) will be designed and delivered aiming to train the beneficiaries on how to use the DPP. The structure and method of delivery will be defined by the partnership and the implementation phase will include the evaluation of the pilot training course developed, so as to assess the effectiveness of the course. Each partner will have to work on all outputs and deliver their results on schedule. Regular feedback on all activities will be exchanged throughout the project, while five partner meetings are planned. The project coordinator will make sure to resolve any issues arising via regular communication. EDIPUS hopes to make an impact on the employability opportunities of university students in Europe, by improving their position in the labour market, specifically aiming to make a significant impact on strengthening their professional profiles and improving the tools available. Furthermore, the project aims to have an impact on the way employers view profiles of prospective job candidates and to make this process easier and more efficient for everyone involved. Finally, the project aims to improve in the long-term the quality of services used by the students’ university services, as well as, career consultants so as to guide young graduates and aims in the adoption of the proposed tool throughout Europe.
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8 Partners Participants