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European Cultural Heritage Identity Card (EU CHIC)
Start date: Sep 1, 2009, End date: Aug 31, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"The aim of the project is to set-up a system of the »Cultural Heritage Identity Card« (CHIC), which will introduce a systematic collection and storage of data on the immovable heritage objects across European and neighboring countries. The main objective is to develop and test the guidelines needed for the efficient compilation of the data pertinent to each monument under observation. The system of CHIC will support sustainable maintenance, preventive conservation and rehabilitation of historic sites and monuments. It will assist the application of newly developed strategies, which are designed to evaluate the efficiency and user-friendliness of the approach used for screening the time-varying alteration of heritage buildings caused by human interventions and environmental impacts. The partners of the project will promote and assist the introduction of the CHIC system in their countries and further facilitate its use in the neighbouring countries through their links with governmental authorities responsible for the cultural heritage protection and preservation. The development of the project will be achieved through the activities of four core work packages that will be supported by the coordinative and dissemination work packages. The main tasks of project will be to:• review and document current methodologies and tools for data collection and assessment,• develop criteria and indicators for risk assessment,• develop guidelines for the future development of methods and tools for collection and storing of the data required for the evaluation of time-varying changes of heritage assets, and• consolidate recommendations and strategies adjusted to the particular needs and heritage preservation strategies in different European and neighboring countries.The consortium will consist of 12 partners from 11 countries, which are Slovenia, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Poland, and Spain and it will coordinate the activities at the national and international levels. The Advisory Committee will lead the Advisory Network, which will assist the establishment and maintenance rapport with the local authorities responsible for safeguarding of CHIC and with other stakeholders involved in heritage protection. In the scope of this project we will create a web portal that will remain active at least until 2017."

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