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European Conflict Archaeological Landscape Reappropriation
Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

The First and the Second World Wars are a central part of the collective memory of Europe, but their cultural landscapes and material cultures have often been given too little attention. Linked as they are to traumatic memories, war traces disseminated on the European territory represent a patrimony that is difficult to manage. Nevertheless, we believe that a healing intervention is possible that will turn them into precious resources for the construction of an European collective identity. This is the challenge that the REcall project puts out.Our vision aims at weaving memory and imagination together, because we believe in the power of doing as a strong tool to reappropriate the XXth Century European Conflict Heritage and integrate it in our life. For this reason, we ask young practitioners under 35 in all kinds of creative fields to imagine sustainable and innovative interactions between cultural heritage and contemporary art/design forms. A Call for Proposal will gather ideas for the reappropriation of the WWII bunkers of the Atlantik Wall in Norway and of the WWI trenches of Linea Cadorna in Italy. 32 candidates will then be selected to take part in 2 multidisciplinary international workshops organized in Norway and Italy. The workshops will benefit from the know-how of a Consortium of partner universities (POLIMI, NTNU, AAU, UNEW) and museum associations (Falstad Centre, Museo Diffuso), whose experts and tutors will supervise the project activities. At the end of a final intensive week, four winning prizes will be awarded during a closing conference that will be accompanied by a travelling exhibition and the publication of a catalogue to maximize the dissemination of the project’s results. By developing network synergies at European level, the project will promote the transnational mobility of people and products, thus succeeding in building new narratives for a territory unified by common yet differentiated historical memories.The project Kick-off-Meeting will take place in Venice, within the premises and the program me of the 13th Architecture Biennale, the 13th of September as closing event of the first REcall workshop ( Calendar:Month 01: AUG 2012Month 02: SEP 2012 > Venice Workshop Kick-of-MeetingMonth 03: OCT 2012Month 04: NOV 2012 > launching the Call > KoM (4 DEC)Month 05: DEC 2012 > KoM 2Month 06: JAN 2013 > KoM 3Month 07: FEB 2013 > KoM 4Month 08: MAR 2013Month 09: APR 2013 > deadline for delivering (15 FEB)Month 10: MAY 2013 > selection & winning announcement (5 MAY)Month 11: JUN 2013 > 8 days weeks workshop in NorwayMonth 12: JUL 2013Month 13: AUG 2013 > 8 days workshop in ItalyMonth 14: SEP 2013Month 15: OCT 2013Month 16: NOV 2013Month 17: DEC 2013Month 18: JAN 2014 Month 19: FEB 2014 > Closing workshop with Conference & ExhibitionMonth 20: MAR 2014 > publication of REcall results Month 21: APR 2014 > Final Event: Conference and ExhibitionMonth 23: 30 JUN 2014 > Closing of REcall project
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